Saturday 15 June 2024

The Legend of Ruby Sunday

"It was the wrong anagram."

Writer: Russell T Davies
Format: TV
Broadcast: 15 June 2024
Series: 14.07

Featuring: Fifteenth Doctor, Ruby, Mel


The Doctor and UNIT investigate Ruby's past. But as the Time Window reveals horrifying secrets from Christmas Eve, the mysterious Triad Technology unleash the greatest evil of all.


The Legend of Ruby Sunday was an outstanding start to the series finale! Wow! I am writing almost immediately after completing the episode and whilst I was unable to stay up until the midnight launch, having avoided spoilers meant this was truly mesmerising. After a series of hints and twists going back to The Church on Ruby Road, we start to tackle the questions we so desperately want answers to. The episode had me on edge for the entire duration and it was incredibly tense! It was a joy to watch though and had a feeling of a finale right from the off. I loved that UNIT was prepared for the TARDIS arrival and the Doctor didn't waste any time once the introductions were done. It was nice for Ruby to quickly get to know Kate, Ibrahim and even Rose, whilst he met the new young scientific advisor in the form of Marshall. His addressing of the woman we see here as Susan Triad was brilliant and it was a good little trip down memory lane of her appearances throughout the series, as well as a few we hadn't seen. I thought it was hilarious that the Doctor noticed the S TRIAD Technology as being an anagram of TARDIS but UNIT looked at him with almost offence at the thought they wouldn't have realised. It was a prime reason of why they were investigating her! Ruby picking up on her conversation with the Doctor from The Devil's Chord where he revealed he had a granddaughter Susan was lovely and innocent, but it sparked a big injection of emotion. Could it really be Susan? I was surprised that the Doctor thought it could well be and it was sad that he was disappointed when meeting Triad and knowing that she wasn't his granddaughter. Kate's reaction to finding out that the Doctor had a grandchild was quite lovely and the Brigadier had never mentioned him having family! Carla finding her way into UNIT was amusing and I loved that Mrs Flood was on hand to look after Cherry, but the way she chillingly broke the fourth wall as she knew the one who waits was coming was incredible. I loved that and I can't wait to (hopefully!) find out who she is in the finale. The emotional torment Ruby went through in the time window was sublime as the day of her birth was relived and recreated. UNIT having it filed under Goblins was amusing and I loved that there was a glitch on the woman who left Ruby at the church. Was it her mother? And who is she? The trap was obvious but the Doctor couldn't help himself and the way the black mist creature consumed Chidozie was brutal. The sandy corpse was devastating. I thought the way the truth of Susan Triad was revealed with her speech going live was just outstanding and the way the tension was built was sensational. Mel was hidden in on the inside but even she could see the Doctor was scared, albeit after giving him a little speech to kick his arse into gear and fix things. The little twisting of the anagram to reveal the Sue Tech and thus the return of the God of Death himself Sutekh was just magnificent. It had long been rumoured and with the whole god theme since Wild Blue Yonder, I suspected that going back to a god like Sutekh would be a big possibility, and it didn't take anything away. It was a huge surprise and one that worked so well. The reaction of the Doctor sold just how big of a threat Sutekh was and I can't wait to find out what's in store. The herald that was Susan Triad being turned into her horror face guise was disturbing but just so good. The fact we had another Harbinger twist with Harriet was tremendous and I loved how the brief interaction we got from Sutekh to the Doctor was a taunt of the Time Lord thinking he was family. He was far from it. Just incredible. There's so much more I could mention, but for now this was just a stellar opener to the finale. I can't wait for next week! 

Rating: 10/10

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