Tuesday 4 June 2024

Killing Time: The Orphan

"Whoever controls the medication controls the people."

Writer: Lou Morgan
Format: Audio
Released: August 2021
Series: War Master 6.03

Featuring: War Master, Nyssa


For centuries, the Stagnant Protocol has been forgotten by the universe: an empire populated by a race that can never advance... a race the Master seeks to seize control of. 

Unfortunately for him, he has a rival – Calantha – and she understands how to manipulate the system better than he could ever hope. His only chance of defeating her lies in the hands of some old acquaintances, whether they realise it or not. 

One thing, however, is certain. Whichever of them may win, the Stagnant Protocol is destined to lose...


The Orphan was another excellent episode to continue my way through the Killing Time sixth series of War Master adventures! This series keeps excelling and honestly give me an entire boxset of the Master encountering companions he's previously tormented. I'm not sure you could get any stronger than the likes of Jo and Nyssa, but I'm sure separate encounters with the likes of Tegan, Peri, Martha and Clara wouldn't go amiss! That's hopeful for the future. For now, what we got was great and this was another powerful story. It made sense to utilise Nyssa's medical abilities and background when it came to the plague and with her being in desperate need of some help to find a cure for the plague threatening the Stagnant Protocol, the War Master was only too keen to volunteer. The emergence of him as the helper to Nyssa was expected but it was still a delicious treat. Derek Jacobi seems to have stepped up a gear during this series which has been tremendous to listen to as the real evil of this Time War incarnation is on full display. I'm a huge fan and the way he slowly let Nyssa work out what he had done and who he was worked so well. The pair did seem to actually fashion something of a working relationship based on respect, but the Master didn't exactly show her too much compassion when a mistake of hers led to a patient death. The scale of the plague was explained well here and I liked that it could transfer from one person to another by the slightest of touches. Nyssa had introduced some iron clad shutdown procedures for the Varnomium ship, but they were child's play when it came to the Master escaping. He was always one step ahead and having Nyssa actually infected and suffering was a strong dynamic. The significance of the serum the Master obtained in A Quiet Night In was established brilliantly as he simply bypassed the defences by not being infected. It's not often we actually get to see the Master win so for him to walk out having done what he wanted and leaving Nyssa behind was quite something! It's a treat when the good guys don't always win and a little refreshing. The moment where Nyssa realises disaster has struck and the plague is spreading rapidly amongst her patients was heart wrenching as we hear her entire body of work on the plague come crashing down. She blames herself initially but then works out that thanks to what she knows of science, there can only be one possible answer. And before she knows it the lightbulb clicks of who the 'doctor' really is. It's the Master in a brand new face. I loved how she questioned if he stole this one too but he just took everything in his stride. The way he calmly stated how he was close to her father was incredible as from The Keeper of Traken onwards, the Master really does make things hard for Nyssa. Her entire world and family are destroyed by him so for them to be reunited here is a big occasion. She's horrified but also determined that he won't get out with the plague. She can't believe that even he would test it on people, but the Master was playing the fast game and wanted quick results. Testing in a laboratory wasn't for him. The warning message that was left on the Varnomium with Nyssa relaying that they were a plague carrier and for nobody to approach was a little sad as that seems to indicate no means of rescue. Might this really be the end of Nyssa's story? It's an emotional way but I like to think the ambitious nature of the conclusions means she will somehow managed to have escaped. Regardless, the Master is looking forward and to finish what he started in The Sincerest Form of Flattery. He's got what he wanted to confront Calantha as we look set for a very exciting finale! Overall, an excellent episode. 

Rating: 9/10

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