Saturday 22 June 2024

Empire of Death

"Why is the God of Death not killing me?"

Writer: Russell T Davies
Format: TV
Broadcast: 22 June 2024
Series: 14.08

Featuring: Fifteenth Doctor, Ruby, Mel


The Doctor has lost, his ageless enemy reigns supreme, and a shadow falls over creation. Nothing can stop  the devastation, except one woman.


Empire of Death was a strong second half of the series finale that began with the incredible The Legend of Ruby Sunday last week! Whilst I did enjoy the episode a lot as my rating reflects, I can't help but feel slightly underwhelmed by some of the series revelations, particularly the identity of Ruby's mother. That took up a considerable amount of the final fifteen minutes or so of the finale whereas I was much more interested in Sutekh and his blessing of death. I do think it was a little strange to not get any kind of humanoid form for Sutekh, but I guess his evolution into the god he had become was answer enough for that. The dog-like form that was clinging to the TARDIS was ghastly and uncomfortable which worked well, although I get a little disoriented when communicating with a being that shows no signs of physically talking. I thought the way the episode started was actually incredible with Kate being on the phone to the Doctor and hoping that there would still be birds if he could defeat Sutekh, but her time was done. That was a shocking moment! I knew that it wouldn't stay true once Carla also felt the dust, but momentarily it was quite brilliant. It showed right away that Sutekh was a force to be reckoned with. He definitely had a feeling of Thanos about him which is certainly a compliment, and he's certainly come a long way since we last saw him on screen in Pyramids of Mars. The little flashback on the time window to that adventure was tremendous and really appreciated. Of course, we did just have the Tales of the TARDIS episode to revisit the adventure in full, but this was a wonderful glimpse to the past. Hearing how Sutekh had been clinging to the TARDIS ever since then felt a little bit of a stretch, especially with so many different versions of Susan Triad having grown with each TARDIS landing, but I loved how this also created a pattern of death across time and space. The Doctor had touched so many places. Vortis, Telos, Skaro, Spiridon. The list goes on and on. All with many powerful versions of Susan Triad. I thought the link to 73 Yards with the TARDIS and Roger Ap Gwilliam was excellent and really strong continuity with the Doctor confused as to how Ruby knew what 66.7 meters represented. The way the identity of Ruby's mother was found by going to 2046 where the Welsh Prime Minister had made DNA records compulsory was intriguing, and at least gives an explanation as to why the DNA results were no good in The Church on Ruby Road with Davina McCall. I must say though, Ruby's mother being an ordinary woman named Louise is bitterly disappointing. It's a nice story for Ruby to be united with her after all this time, but given how much prominence was put on her in the time window in the last episode and that look in the scary cloak. And that point! I'm not sure it all adds up for her to just be pointing at the road sign of Ruby Road as a means to name her daughter. Why wouldn't she just leave a note? It was a little disappointing and shouldn't have been so much of the focus for the conclusion in my eyes. Thankfully, we did get some strong stuff with Sutekh and the devastation caused as he brought the release of death. I do wonder what he would do once the Doctor and Ruby were killed after he got the knowledge of her mother. But considering he had use of the TARDIS, couldn't he just find the identity himself? I mean, he was there on Ruby Road after all! We've seen before how the most ordinary person becomes the most important, but because we thought she was important therefore she was. I do appreciate the story being told but after a lengthy build up the identity is underwhelming. I thought the vespa scenes with Mel were a good laugh and getting her in the Remembered TARDIS and seeing some of the Sixth and Seventh Doctor attire was lovely. It's fascinating to get this version of the TARDIS on screen after numerous appearances already in Tales of the TARDIS, but I am absolutely all for it. Overall, a strong finale in its own right but some slightly lacking revelations. But that ending with Mrs Flood! Who is she? I thought we'd know by now, but here she survives. That attire also looked very familiar at the end. I'm excited moving forward, especially as she seemed rather Christmassy! The apparent departure of Ruby was emotional but it does feel very quick with the reduced episode count. Who can blame her though in finding her parents? I feel like we have mentioned Susan way too many times now for her to not be showing up, as we even glimpsed her in a flashback and Ruby wondering if the Doctor would come back if he could leave her. A good episode. Lots to think about moving forward. 

Rating: 8/10

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