Saturday 29 June 2024

The Eternity Contract

"You died and came here."

Writer: Gary Russell
Format: Short Story
Released: March 1999
Printed in: More Short Trips 07

Featuring: Fifth Doctor, Nyssa


Here on Earth or out in the depths of the cosmos, the Doctor and his companions are never far from adventure.

Discover things on Earth you were never meant to know. Get around the universe. Get short tripping.


The Eternity Contract was a brilliant little adventure to continue my way through the More Short Trips book! This was a thrilling story and at twenty-eight pages, there was more than sufficient room to explore in detail and depth a rather fascinating concept. The idea of the Doctor and Nyssa arriving at a house that was a halfway point between life and death is tremendous and I thought it was presented so well. The Ferrises of Richard and Jean as the manor's hosts were really strong and whilst they appeared normal on the outside, it was clear there was something more to them. There was a strong eery feel which was fantastic and created a death-like atmosphere. But at the same time things almost felt a little upbeat despite the predicament of the guests at Carnon Manor being people who had died. That was thrilling and I liked how Patricia was our main focus as someone who ended up there. She didn't quite know why or how, but she was certain she had died. She was far too busy to have done so though which was quite fun. Her position in life as an advertising executive that was always on the go couldn't be something I would enjoy as when the end of my shift comes, I love to just switch off. I couldn't imagine her doing that but she was an enjoyable character. She had been in the Manor for three days by the time the Doctor and Nyssa arrived and she was being held hostage. There was no escape. I liked how she had a little inkling of trust in the Doctor in that he could potentially get them out, and it was nice that she had a change of heart at the end in saving the Doctor despite the offer on the table. The Doctor being subjected to mental communication with Lord Carnon was intriguing and the death of a Time Lord was something he very much wanted. So much so that the six souls he had in his Manor as an agreement with a higher power presumed to be Death could be saved if the Doctor gave himself. Of course, this is usually the kind of sacrifice the Doctor is willing to make but the means of it happening were pretty brutal! It was a powerful image to see the Doctor being strangled to death by Richard and Jean and with Nyssa already eliminated from the Manor and Patricia seemingly accepting the circumstances despite her disagreement, all seemed lost for the Doctor. It would have made an excellent cliffhanger if this story was presented in another format that's for sure! I liked Patricia showing her morals in smacking a frying pan on the Ferrises to save the Doctor, and the Time Lord battling with Carnon and breaking up his imagined Manor and dismantling the agreement he had was fitting. It was a little simple and somewhat told rather than explained which is probably why I can't award full marks to the adventure, but I'm fine with that in this kind of format. It was pacy and exciting which I can't ask for much more! I thought the pairing of the Fifth Doctor and Nyssa was really strong and I loved how the companion was questioning the former on what he feared. She had great confidence in him usually but when the Doctor shows some form of trepidation or doubt in himself, she gets scared. I liked that and could certainly understand! Nyssa seeing the Melkur and her planet of Traken when thinking of fear and what happened to her father was certainly understandable. I thought her just appearing at the end was a little strange, but I liked how everything was collapsing. Patricia being returned to life and fighting death was a nice way to bookend things. She was right back to work! Overall, a terrific read. 

Rating: 9/10

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