Friday 7 June 2024

The Church on Ruby Road

"This story isn't a fairy tale."

Writer: Esmie Jikiemi-Pearson
Format: Novel
Released: January 2024
Series: Target 181

Featuring: Fifteenth Doctor, Ruby


Chance. Misfortune. Coincidence. These are the weapons of choice for the Doctor's latest enemies. And those enemies are very, very hungry...

For Ruby Sunday, this Christmas Eve is a birthday she'll never forget. It's the day she joins the Doctor aboard a Goblin ship. The day she learns of dangers from beyond the universe. The day her life really begins... or, perhaps, the day it ends.


The Church on Ruby Road was an excellent novelisation of last year's Christmas Special! After seeing that my local library had stocked this book, I couldn't help but get it on hold and delve into the first bit of prose for the Fifteenth Doctor and Ruby. It's both of their first full story and it works perhaps even better in a novelisation format which is a delight to say. I honestly think that's because it feels a little less Christmassy and silly in a novel whereas on screen it had that lighthearted and loose feel. That of course was absolutely great but I think the book does take things a little more seriously. The Goblin King is presented as a strong threat and hearing the inner thoughts of Ruby regarding her birth parents and the disappointment she feels when there is no trace adds to the emotional pull. This is such a strong debut for a companion and we learn so much about her. She's a foundling and likes the word a lot when Davina uses it on the television show designed to reunite her with her genetic family. I fully understand now why there was an extra scene involving the Doctor saving the woman and pushchair shopping on Christmas Eve from the falling giant snowman decoration because without it we really wouldn't have had much of the Doctor at all until nearly halfway. That's a long time. I thought the introduction to Carla and Cherry were terrific here and I love just how much the love Ruby has for her mother is shown. It's obviously reciprocated and Cherry is there for some strong humour. The gag of her not getting a cuppa remains delightful. I liked the subtle way the importance of Mrs Flood was presented even though she only features intermittently, but I must say the moment where she breaks the fourth wall and shows her knowledge of a TARDIS doesn't have the same impact. Maybe because I knew it was coming? Or the fact you can't really address the reader in the same way breaking the fourth wall is done on screen. I think the coincidences and bad luck on show in the book are tremendous and I really like how the Doctor explicitly linked things back to The Giggle and the Toymaker. This was the leftover impact of his legions and the Doctor was actually excited by the chaos. This was something he didn't understand and he was keen to take on this new world of rules. The Goblins are a lot of fun and the little hints at their presence throughout the book were brilliantly done. They always felt present which was perhaps not achieved on screen. Before reading, the thing I was fascinated to read the most was how the Goblin Song would come across when novelised. It could have gone wrong but it was actually magnificent. It was just as catchy on the indents and I really enjoyed the surprise Ruby had at coming up with her own lyrics. The humour of the Lulubelle name at the new foster child was good, but the scene that had me smiling was when Carla kept naming all of the coincidences after the Doctor revealed he was an orphan. Ruby caught on right away. Another tremendous sequence was the Doctor aiding Ruby as she tried to retrieve Lulebelle from the Goblins. The cover obviously takes the image from them on that unsteady ladder and it's a fine representation for the book. The Doctor having to go back in time and save Ruby once the Goblins take her for their King and change the course of history is fantastic and I can't wait to come back to it (presumably) in the series finale that's due in the next couple of weeks. There's so much potential there. Just who is Ruby's birth mother? Did she see that the Doctor had to kill the Goblin King to prevent disaster? And just who is Mrs Flood? It's all so exciting and this is a lovely time to revisit the start of the mystery and arc encompassing the series currently airing. And it's just a darn good and fun story whilst having a huge emotional pull. It's a wonderful introduction to Ruby and a fine first full outing for the Fifteenth Doctor. What's not to like? Overall, a terrific read. 

Rating: 9/10

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