Monday 3 June 2024

Killing Time: A Quiet Night In

"Don't trust anybody here."

Writer: Lou Morgan
Format: Audio
Released: August 2021
Series: War Master 6.02

Featuring: War Master, Jo


For centuries, the Stagnant Protocol has been forgotten by the universe: an empire populated by a race that can never advance... a race the Master seeks to seize control of. 

Unfortunately for him, he has a rival – Calantha – and she understands how to manipulate the system better than he could ever hope. His only chance of defeating her lies in the hands of some old acquaintances, whether they realise it or not. 

One thing, however, is certain. Whichever of them may win, the Stagnant Protocol is destined to lose...


A Quiet Night In was an outstanding episode to continue my way through the Killing Time sixth series of adventures with the War Master! After a decent opener of The Sincerest Form of Flattery to set the Master on his route for revenge against Calantha, this brought us more down to Earth and united the Master with an old friend. The history between the Master and Jo is obvious as she was there at his very first on screen appearance in Terror of the Autons, so to have her meet a new incarnation here was an absolute treat. Honestly, right from the off this was just tremendous and I think for sure this is the best story from the spinoff series thus far. The atmosphere was just sublime and the background music was really creepy and provided that haunting feel. It was uncomfortable at times and that was before Jo was even aware of who her uncle actually was. The prospect of the Master being the uncle of Jo was incredible and I loved the later knowledge of the hypnotic spores. He'd placed them in her nursery rhymes book as a child and now the second dose on the invite to the party at her uncle's home was another significant dose. She was well and truly under the spell of the Master and he'd been playing the long game of implanting into her mind that he was her uncle. It was so well done and Derek Jacobi was just delicious as the evil Time War incarnation. He absolutely relished what he'd done to Jo and that was powerful stuff but was the Time Lord at his very best. Jo literally lost everything in this episode and was almost taunted at the end. The Master challenging her on if she really was the one to choose to leave the Doctor in The Green Death was sensational and whilst she knew she left because she fell in love, the Master questioning if that was a true memory was fascinating because she had just experienced firsthand how her memories could be manipulated. The Master chuckled in announcing that Jo's uncle had died years ago and the house was just constructed from her memories of it as it had been torn down as well. She was well and truly under the spell and he needed something very important from her. She needed to infiltrate UNIT to obtain some serum in a very protected vial, so the Master just got her the job there. The knock on effect of that in his past life with Jo becoming companion to the Doctor is excellent and so fun to think about! Without the Master then Jo wouldn't have joined UNIT? All for one vial so the Master can take on Calantha and show she's not as in control as she claims. The mystery of the house throughout the episode was magnificent and I liked the constant background noise because when it did stop that silence was incredibly eery. The housekeeper actually being a robot was a good twist and the Professor helping the Master with the experimentation on Jo was great, but then even he lost his memories when the Master departed and he had what he wanted. I'm actually surprised he was spared! The Master using Jo as an 'ordinary person' to break through the Doctor's lock on the vial was intriguing stuff as Jo didn't want to believe that's how the Doctor had seen her. But the Master pushing on that as the vial was unlocked and mocking her for the Doctor never coming back was extraordinary. That laugh as he was victorious and left Jo and the house behind with her distorted memories was an incredible conclusion. And now he's out for torment on another old 'friend'. Jo can relate as now the Master has stolen her uncle, we look set for Nyssa to see the man who literally stole her father. An exciting encounter awaits as the story has really kicked into gear! Overall, just a superb listen.

Rating: 10/10

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