Thursday 27 June 2024

Seven Keys to Doomsday

"We came here to watch a show, not join in with one."

Writer: Terrance Dicks
Format: Audio
Released: October 2008
Series: The Stageplays 02

Featuring: The Doctor, Jenny, Jimmy


A newly-regenerated Doctor takes his young companions, Jenny and Jimmy, to the desolate world of Karl. There they must face terrifying monsters and brave fiendish traps to locate seven crystal keys. 

If they fail in their task, the Doctor's arch enemies, the Daleks, will unleash their evil upon the entire universe!


Seven Keys to Doomsday was a terrific stage play adaptation! I didn't really know what to expect from this audio but I was pleasantly surprised. It was an absolute joy to listen to right from the off. It feels a little weird to have an unfamiliar actor in the role of the Doctor for an extended story, but that didn't take long to get over. The writing was really strong in capturing the essence of the Doctor as we know him and I must say I was impressed with Trevor Martin's take on the role with this stage incarnation. I thought he felt very much like the Third Doctor which is a lot of fun and I find it fascinating that on stage back in 1974 for the original Doctor Who and the Daleks in Seven Keys to Doomsday play performance the actor was dressed to look like the then-current incarnation with a wig. A regeneration feels like a big moment usually but it was almost like a comic gag to start this adventure. Imagine a stage regeneration with a wig removal being the means of a change of appearance! It soon loses its significance in this story which is more than fine as this is just a representation of what would have been seen on stage. I think it's a marvellous idea to adapt it. I like that things have been updated a little to include Kara as the setting for the story considering that The Brain of Morbius hadn't been produced when this story was on the stage. Jenny and Jimmy make for some fun companions and I like how contemporary and real they felt. This was very much an unwanted journey and Jimmy having severe doubts about the Doctor and his outlandish claims was good fun. He wasn't even fussed about the TARDIS being bigger on the inside as he just deduced it was done with mirrors. He was close-minded but Jenny's more exuberant personality meant we had a strong companion pairing. I'd absolutely love to hear further adventures for this Doctor and these companions much in the same vain as Beyond the Ultimate Adventure, but alas it's been sixteen years since this was released now so I doubt I will get my wish. The story felt very much like a compact Key to Time which was good although the segments of the Crystal of All Power weren't as widespread in their hiding places. It didn't take the Doctor long at all to get six of the crystals, but the Daleks being close behind meant he couldn't exactly get it to the Time Lords for safekeeping as was intended. The involvement of the Dalek Emperor in the story was brilliant and I loved how he was referred to as your majesty. That felt very regal of the Daleks and I'm surprised they have a concept of royalty! Nicholas Briggs is stellar with that booming voice though. Jenny going into a Dalek very much in the vain of Ian in The Daleks was good fun and I loved the shock of her apparently being exterminated. I must admit that the lack of response confirmed to me that she wasn't inside, but Jimmy wasn't to know that. Even the Doctor had to state how she knew the risks. The plan of the Daleks to eradicate all organic life and bring a slow death to the universe with just the Daleks being immune was incredible, and almost before it's time! Was this something Russell T Davies took inspiration from for his reality bomb revelation in The Stolen Earth/Journey's End? The Doctor having time to manipulate the molecular structure of the seventh crystal in the TARDIS laboratory brought a fine resolution as it changed the entire makeup of the Crystal of All Power so no amplification of their plan would be happening. The sacrifice of Jedak at the end with the bomb was admirable, although it's a shame that Tara never got to retrieve her brother after surprisingly being the traitor within. I thought it was a lovely touch for the Doctor to come back to Jimmy and Jenny at the end to apparently set up future adventures. I'm all for hearing those at some point. But for now, this was just joyous. A tremendous listen. 

Rating: 9/10

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