Friday 22 August 2014

The Time of the Doctor

"It all just disappears doesn't it? Everything you are, like breath on a mirror. And he's a comin'."

Writer: Steven Moffat
Format: TV
Broadcast: 25th December 2013
Series: 2013 Christmas Special

Featuring: Eleventh Doctor, Clara


Orbiting a quiet backwater planet, the universe's deadliest species gather, drawn to a mysterious message that echoes out to the stars. And amongst them, the Doctor. 


The Time of the Doctor is a sensational episode that ends the 'Doctor trilogy' celebrating the 50th Anniversary in some style. Not only does it end the hype-filled anniversary year on a massive high but it sees an emotionally wonderful sendoff to Matt Smith as the Eleventh Doctor. I loved how this story really did tie up every string very clever, every problem that Moffat had left unexplained. But now all was revealed and everything somehow made perfect sense! The story itself was superb with its similarities to the beginning of The Pandorica Opens with numerous spaceships just sitting waiting and gathered together but the Doctor getting there first. Only this time they weren't an alliance, they were united in fear but weren't trying to trap the Doctor. The chemistry between the Doctor and Tasha Lem was sensational and at times seemed to supersede that of him and River Song which I never thought would occur. The mention by the Doctor when he said "totally married her" when Tasha referenced that a psychopath was born and raised to kill the Doctor, tying up the series six arc. The only slight problem I had with this sensational episode was the fact the Doctor was bald, even for the Eleventh Doctor I thought that was a little too far. And I was very angry that we didn't get to properly see Clara naked! Ha! I really wish the hologram didn't work on me. Because she's absolutely outstandingly incredibly beautiful. The reference to the origin of the Silence was magnificent! I loved how it turned out that they were just confessional priests who you could tell all to and then forget about it. Very clever. "The Kovarian Chapter" was another tie in I really loved. After over a two series absence, I was really surprised that the crack returned, especially in a story without Amy. But it's appearance proved absolutely pivotal to the continuation of Doctor Who. It was the gap in space to which the Time Lords could return. All they needed was the right answer to the oldest question in the universe. "Doctor Who?" Fantastic. I loved how this in turn was the reason why the Silence are called what they are. Silence was to fall and war was not to resume. The Time Lords couldn't come back to the awaiting army of Daleks, Slitheen and Sontarans. I thought it was typical Doctor when he decided to stay and protect the town of Christmas. After some brilliant scenes with the Weeping Angels in the snow, he knew he had to stay. He couldn't let the planet and its inhabitants burn at the countless attempts to destroy the planet to prevent the return of the Time Lords but he couldn't let them be destroyed in turn. The Doctor finally got stuck. On Trenzalore. Just as it was implied in The Name of the Doctor. I liked the similarities to The Parting of the Ways with the Doctor sending his companion home without goodbye to protect them. I accept that the Doctor dislikes goodbyes but how can he not say farewell to his impossible girl? Crazy. The two returns of Clara were touching with the Doctor ageing significantly each time. I liked how the rules from The Deadly Assassin prevailed. 12 regenerations is the maximum and the Doctor had used them up. 11 Doctors plus the hidden away War Doctor and meta-crisis Tenth Doctor = 13. I'm glad the classic era is not forgotten, especially with foundations such as regeneration rules. I loved how it was clear how much Clara cared for the Doctor and just loved travelling with him. And the Doctor definitely felt the same way. I'm not convinced he was joking when he seemed to accept that he was Clara's boyfriend. I think he'd like it not to have been fake. I absolutely loved the wooden Cyberman and how it was defeated. For the first time, without officially working, the sonic screwdriver defeated wood. The Dalek attack on Trenzalore when the Doctor was on his last leg was superb. After defeating them through 12 regenerations over his entire millennium plus life, the Daleks still prevailed. They survived past the Doctor. But just as they started to brag at the death of their greatest enemy, Clara shed a heartwarming little speech through the crack to the Time Lords and begged them to help the Doctor. And they did. A brand new regeneration cycle was sent through and the Doctor was regenerating for the thirteenth time. As he said, never tell the Doctor the rules! He'll only go and break them. And in doing so the power from the new cycle caused the destruction of the Dalek ship in an epic climax. The Doctor has another thirteen bodies and now we don't have to worry for a long time about what happens once this cycle is up! Trenzalore was protected, the Doctor had been rebooted and Clara was back with him in the TARDIS. The regeneration speech by the Doctor was lovely, I'm not sure we needed Amelia and Amy appearing but the actual sendoff speech was really terrific. The transition sequence was an intriguing one with the speed but I guess that's the new cycle kicking into gear. Peter Capaldi arrived and he wasn't fond of his kidneys. The unprecedented Twelfth Doctor had arrived. The Eleventh Doctor had bowed out in tremendous style. 

Rating: 10/10

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