Thursday 7 August 2014

The Bells of Saint John

"This whole world is swimming in wifi. We're living in a wifi soup. Suppose something got inside it. Suppose there was something living in the wifi..."

Writer: Steven Moffat
Format: TV
Broadcast: 30th March 2013
Series: 7.06

Featuring: Eleventh Doctor, Clara


London, 2013. "Danger. This is a warning. A warning to the whole world. You're looking for wifi. Sometimes you see something, a bit like this. Don't click it. Do not click it. Once you've clicked it, they're in your computer. They can see you. If they can see you, they might choose you. And if they do... you die."


The Bells of Saint John was an absolutely brilliant episode to kick off the second part of series seven. It was one of the best debuts (again) for a companion and the plot itself, whilst introducing the third version of Clara Oswald, was excellent. With the mass of technological advancement in the world today, I loved the idea that someone was using wifi as a means of weaponry! People are constantly looking for wifi wherever they are and if they're given a free one, they won't ask questions. Sadly for the users, they get their souls uploaded to the datacloud, and would have their minds fed to the returning Great Intelligence. I love the idea of the infamous classic villain coming back in two consecutive stories but in two completely different times with extremely different agendas! I liked how his role in the story wasn't revealed until the Doctor had defeated the plan. I didn't quite get why the story was named what it was, seeing as its in story reference was really only one scene. I loved how the Doctor was extremely curious about Clara and was so much so that he retreated to 1207 to try and work oui who she was and how she'd died twice already. The portrait looked absolutely beautiful and I loved how the TARDIS phone was being called by Clara about her internet troubles. I'm extremely curious to find out who the person was that gave Clara the Doctor's phone number, Martha maybe? The 'spoon heads' were very intriguing and their design was tremendous. I adored how once the Doctor had found his Clara and saved her from being uploaded, he would just protect her. 'Under my protection'. A lovely message to Miss Kizlet, who was a terrific villainous character herself. I loved the idea of controlling people via a tablet and the fact that people were actually hacked was fantastic! Once Clara came out of her house to the Doctor I loved the conversation. But danger was at hand and the wifi was turning on the people to get Clara and re-upload her. London was in darkness and a plane was heading straight for the Doctor and Clara! The humour when the Doctor told Clara for her and him to get inside the blue box was brilliant. Clara's reaction to the whole bigger on the inside was absolutely wonderful. She found out in a matter of seconds that the Doctor was an alien and could travel anywhere in time and space in his mysterious box. The new costume of the Doctor is superb and really suits the eleventh incarnation a peach. I love how much fun this Doctor seems to be able to have when he's on his own and happy. The scene with the fez and bow tie was great! The climax of the story was absolutely fantastic I thought with the Doctor controlling his own spoon head to crash the office of Miss Kizlet and then give her all the motivation she needed to download the whole cloud. The Doctor uploaded her! So, being the selfish person she was, she demanded the entire cloud be downloaded so she'd return to normality. The surprise return of the Great Intelligence revealed at the end was wonderful and on broadcast was an excellent surprise! There were many great highlights based on humour with the wonderful moment where the Doctor seemed to invent the quadricycle and I adored how Clara called the TARDIS a "snog box". I loved how once asked if she would travel in the TARDIS, Clara obviously said yes but made the Doctor wait. Just like her other incarnations/versions in Asylum of the Daleks and The Snowmen, Clara was going to push the Doctor and challenge him which I love. Clara's officially on board and her official debut was outstanding. 

Rating: 10/10

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