Wednesday 20 August 2014

The Night of the Doctor

"Physician, heal thyself." 

Writer: Steven Moffat
Format: TV
Broadcast: 14th November 2013
Series: 50th Anniversary Prequel

Featuring: Eighth Doctor


Still trying to skirt around the edges of the Last Great Time War, the Eighth Doctor is forced to fully join the conflict by the mysterious Sisterhood of Karn. Killed while trying to save a woman who hates him for simply being a Time Lord, the Doctor gets to choose what his next incarnation will be like. He arranges for a warrior...


The Night of the Doctor was the biggest and most pleasant surprise of the entire 50th Anniversary celebrations in my opinion. Forget the nostalgic books, magazines and the introduction of an unseen Doctor, seeing the Eighth Doctor return on screen as a complete surprise was more than I could have asked for! In just seven minutes this minisode told so much and was just utterly perfect really. I loved the returning line for Paul McGann, "I'm a Doctor but probably not the one you were expecting". Upon my first viewing I was stunned with joy. Paul McGann was actually back. On TV. As the Eighth Doctor. The same guy who should have been the centre point of the revival in 2005. After his wonderful performances in audio and his returning stint here, I bet the head-runners wished they'd gone with McGann over a guy who was just staying for the one year. Cass was a good character and she alone perfectly showed just how bad the Time War had gotten. She'd rather die than be saved by a Time Lord, in spite of the fact he could show her the universe as she so wished. She couldn't even tell the difference between a Time Lord and a Dalek anymore, that's the extent to which things had gotten. It was evident the Doctor wanted her as companion almost immediately after meeting her. Typical Doctor. Different body, same old Time Lord. The return to Karn was an added bonus and Ohila was terrific. She and her sisterhood, along with the rest of the universe, knew that only the Doctor could put an end to the War he so desolately didn't want any part in. So, after being convinced by the death of Cass, and with a wonderful tribute to his past companions, the Eighth Doctor made a devastating choice. "Doctor no more". He became a warrior and the mystery and much debated gap of what occurred between the Eighth and Ninth Doctors whilst the show was off air for nine years became clear. There was a whole new Doctor. 

Rating: 10/10

1 comment:

  1. I enjoy this.
    The 8th Dcotor's cameo rock. He look grander in the bottle-green overcoat, the bronze waistcoat, the shirt whose collar opens to show the ascot tie, the gaiders, and the botos than in his movie outfit.
    Nice cameo from Karn which appear on The Brain of Morbious.
    The 8th Doctor's fall and the War Doctor's rise got me. The music got me well, a hero's sel-sacrifice tos ave lfi from destruction. Also the heroic tune playign when the War one put on the bandolier.
