Tuesday 26 August 2014

The Moonbase

"There are some corners of the universe which have bred the most terrible things. Things which act against everything we believe in. They must be fought."

Writer: Kit Pedler
Format: TV
Broadcast: 11th February - 4th March 1967
Season: 4.06

Featuring: Second Doctor, Polly, Ben, Jamie


The TARDIS arrives in 2070 on the Moon, where a weather control station under the command of a man named Hobson is in the grip of a plague epidemic - in reality the result of an alien poison planted by the Cybermen. Jamie is knocked unconscious and lapses into delirium, leaving the Doctor, Polly and Ben to fend off the Cyber attack...


The Moonbase is an absolutely fantastic Cyber tale! After their outstanding debut in the swan-song of the First Doctor in The Tenth Planet, it was inevitable that the emotionless villains would be making a return and I'm glad it's been done very early. Just three stories are in between the first two Cyberman adventures and I think that's important when introducing a recurring villain, the memory of the previous tale will still be fresh in the viewer's mind, and now hopefully the redesign will improve the fear factor, which I think it definitely did. Now, the design of the Cybermen in The Tenth Planet is probably my all time favourite because it's so retro and classic but the, excuse the pun, upgraded appearance here was spectacular. A fully fledged helmet now and non-human hands really showed how advanced the Cybermen had become now. I was very intrigued by the setting of 2070, some 84 years after the events of the already mentioned Cyber story. I loved how at this point in Earth history the Cybermen were known to humans as being extinct. The result of Doomsday perhaps? Unusually, I think episode one was my favourite part of the story! I loved how the full appearance of the Cyberman was kept until the cliffhanger, a great one of that revealing the new design. The use of shadows was superb I must also add. I am extremely thankful to the people who made animating the missing episodes possible. They really did a stellar job and in doing so have given us a brand new, complete story. The only 'complete' story that exists to have the brilliant TARDIS crew of the Second Doctor, Polly, Ben and Jamie. The TARDIS scenes before the four were humorous after the bumpy landing seen in the lead in from The Underwater Menace. It's really nice seeing a close TARDIS team! Polly and Ben go together so they're always going to have a good relationship but now throw in a comfortable Doctor and clueless Jamie and the blend is really nice. It's a much better foursome than the one during the Fifth Doctor's tenure! These four actually get along all the time. Polly was yet again a shining light in this story and again showed why she's up there as a favourite companion of mine. Her kindness and caring for others was lovely to see. I also like how she does what the Doctor asks of her without question, every time. What's he complaining about consistently in the future about companions not listening? He can't forget Polly now can he. The plan of the Cybermen in this story was excellent - they wanted to control Earth's weather and turn it against the planet to cause its' inhabitants death. They way they were trying to achieve this was superb, trying to be sneaky! And they succeeded for the most part. The episode 2 cliffhanger was fantastic. Jamie in the sick bed was magnificent, especially when he believed the Cyberman to be the Phantom Piper from his Scottish culture. The virus being brought aboard the base via the sugar was a brilliant way of hiding its origin! Patrick Troughton really shone as the Doctor here for the first time I would argue. Not that he hasn't been good in his first three stories (he's been sublime!). The humour he brings to the role really is fresh, even though I adore the grumpiness of his predecessor. His method of gathering specimens was very funny I must say. I loved the Cyberman march at the end of episode three. The imagery was legendary in my opinion and easily topped the much talked about, and what I consider overrated, cliffhanger in The Sea Devils. The climax was great with the Doctor and Hobson uniting against the Cybermen after an edgy but not too serious dicker.  The fact the Gravitron, the very weapon the Cybermen wanted to manipulate, was used to bring about their downfall (or upfall rather) was excellent. I wasn't convinced of its ease of positioning but the scenes of the Cybermen ascending into space and to their demise was marvellous! More superb imagery. Overall, a wonderful story. Newly sounding and designed Cybermen that really worked in a brilliant plot. 

Rating: 9/10

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