Friday 8 August 2014

The Rings of Akhaten

"Take my memories. But I hope you've got a big appetite because I've lived a long life and I have seen a few things. I walked away from the Last Great Time War. I marked the passing of the Time Lords. I saw the birth of the universe and I watched as time ran out, moment by moment until nothing remained. No time. No space. Just me. I walked in universes where the laws of physics were devised by the mind of a madman. I have watched universes freeze and creations burn. I have seen things you wouldn't believe. I have lost things you will never understand and I know things. Secrets that must never be told, knowledge that must never be spoken, knowledge that would make parasite gods blaze. So come on then! Take it! Take it all baby! Have it! You have it all."

Writer: Neil Cross
Format: TV
Broadcast: 6th April 2013
Series: 7.07

Featuring: Eleventh Doctor, Clara


Clara Oswald wants to see something awesome, so the Doctor whisks her off to the inhabited rings of the planet Akhaten, where the Festival of Offerings is in full swing. Clara meets the young Queen of Years as the pilgrims and natives ready for the ceremony. But something is stirring in the pyramid and a sacrifice will be demanded. 


The Rings of Akhaten is a fantastic episode. It really is. I can't understand why it received such a low ranking in the latest DWM story poll as for me it's such a beautiful and emotional piece. The pre-titles were splendid as we saw how this version of the Clara came into being with the most important leaf in human history, a lovely concept. I love the fact that the Doctor is checking on Clara in different points in her life, as a child and when her mother died in 2005. It's brilliant to see that the Doctor can't accept not knowing the impossible regarding how his companion has died twice - in a Dalek asylum and in Victorian England. The Doctor's curiosity is getting the better of him, as usual, and he's pulling out all the stops to find out the mystery behind Clara but he's getting nowhere. She is just a normal girl, somehow. And I think it's terrific that the Doctor can't accept that. "She's impossible!" I loved Clara's first request of travel in the TARDIS was to see "something awesome" and it was obvious the Doctor wouldn't disappoint. The location of Akhaten at the time of the Festival of Offerings was lovely and I liked how the Doctor arrived and mingled with the many odd species! It was great to see that Clara was impressed. Mary, the Queen of Years, was a brilliant character and her relationship with Clara was splendid also! The kindness of the Doctor's new companion was inspiring to see. Similarly to Amy in The Beast Below, she was trying to help the young and upset girl. A nice similarity. The story behind the Festival was a good one and I thought the way Mary was scared of getting her song wrong added suspense. She seemed to have sung beautifully but instead it seemed things had gone wrong. Mary was being taken away and I loved how the Doctor and Clara refused to let that happen. A basic rule when you're with the Doctor, you don't walk away. And the acquisition of the space moped thanks to Clara's sentimental ring was very nice to see. Clara was new but her courage was special. The story behind the Mummy, the Vigil and Akhaten itself was of particular intrigue and I loved the idea of a continuous song being sung throughout generations lasting millions of years. Not that I approve or even understand why people worship gods, but the way it was portrayed here (with actual evidence of a physical presence) was tremendous. The fear the locals had was excellent! And that made you believe that the Doctor was scared. Matt Smith gave a sublime performance in this episode and that was before the obvious highlight. The reference to the Doctor coming to Akhaten with Susan was brilliant and I just liked the humour and quirkiness Smith so effortlessly brings to this Doctor's incarnation. But then we come to the speech. The staggeringly sublime speech that just propels the episode to greatness. Easily Matt Smith's finest moment as the Doctor for me. In the short time the speech takes, he puts in every emotion of the long history of the Doctor. The encounters with Omega, the losses of the likes of Katarina, Sara and Adric and seeing time begin and end. The Doctor is still standing after walking away from the Last Great Time War victorious, after destroying his own planet and people to wipe out the Daleks. In just one speech Matt Smith gathers all that hurt and pain and throws straight into the face of the parasite. And the moment where Clara came with the leaf and dealt the final blow was just beautiful. The new TARDIS pairing teamed up to defeat an evil. A brilliant start on Clara's first official venture in the TARDIS. The emotion and power was phenomenal, and Clara was just wonderful. Surrounded by intrigue and mystery yet she's still absolutely brilliant. 

Rating: 9/10  

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