Tuesday 15 September 2015

The Weeping Angels of Mons Part 4

"Venture into darkness with creatures who are at their most dangerous when you can't see them..."

Writer: Robbie Morrison 
Format: Comic Strip
Released: 10th September 2015
Printed in: DWC #8

Featuring: Tenth Doctor, Gabby


Stranded in a derelict warzone, under fire from artillery bombardments, the Doctor is beginning to question humanity. With the TARDIS missing and the Weeping Angels closing in, will the Doctor and Gabby ever escape the WWI trenches?


The Weeping Angels of Mons concluded in phenomenal fashion with this fourth and final part. It really was magnificent and as a whole it's definitely the best adventure from the pages of Doctor Who Comic yet, trumping Space in Dimension Relative and Time which previously held the honour and up until today was the only story to hold a perfect rating. I'm so glad that's all change and to be honest I could tell from the first part a couple of months ago that this was going to be superb. I think it's brilliant that we had such a recognisable villain returning for a new adventure with the Tenth Doctor but not only that, we had them in World War One! The setting as a whole was just magnificent and suited perfectly with my love of History. It's not long at all now until I start studying my degree in History so I'd obviously love the setting! Gabby was just stunning in the story overall and I really liked her diary writing to Cindy back home. It seemed she'd gone and fallen in love with a WWI soldier from Scotland but sadly for her, he just couldn't leave his family during the war. He'd have felt like he was running away which he was always taught not to do. He understandably took a shining to Gabby who has been presented as being absolutely beautiful. Is it possible to be attracted to a comic strip character? She looked incredible in that army uniform! Jamie was a lucky lad. I thought the resolution was clever and I liked how the Doctor only told Gabby half of the plan. Thankfully for her, Jamie knew the other half and executed it magnificently. They'd lured the Weeping Angels down into the tunnels where the Doctor was also tracking the TARDIS, and despite the Angels attempting to cave everybody in, they'd walked into their own graveyard. Beneath the surface and in the tunnels lay an incredible abundance of explosives. As seen in the previous part, one grenade might not destroy a single Angel but literally thousands would definitely wipe out the lonely assassins. The emotional way in which Gabby and Jamie set off the explosives was wonderful. As they both pressed the lever that would ignite the explosives, whilst they too were trapped and would go with it, they finally embraced in their long awaited kiss. Before all seemed lost, the TARDIS arrived in the nick of time after some winking ingenuity by the Doctor saw him safely inside. It materialised around the kissing pair and saved from the explosion with barely a second to spare. Chaplain had made an almighty sacrifice but interestingly it seemed that the only life the Doctor was massively interested in during this story was Gabby's. He'd gone through a lot of suffering lately and he wouldn't see another of his travelling friends perish. He just couldn't. The emotional characterisation of David Tennant's Tenth Doctor was brilliant in this part which was good to see. The final scenes were reminiscent of the closure of The Family of Blood with this time the Doctor and Gabby checking up on Jamie. It was lovely way to end on what was quite a sad journey in parts. Jamie was thrilled to see the pair not having aged, but I loved the ambiguity and possible lead in to Blink in having the hand of an Angel reaching out of the ground. Are they ever really defeated? It appeared at least during World War One that they were. A simply phenomenal comic strip adventure! The best yet from DWC. 

Rating: 10/10 

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