Sunday 6 September 2015

Dalek War: Chapter Three

"We must all unite against a common enemy."

Writer: Nicholas Briggs 
Format: Audio
Released: March 2003
Series: Dalek Empire 2.03

Featuring: Suz, Kalendorf, Alby, Mirana


Kalendorf's victorious fleet has entered Earth's Solar System. But what has happened to the planet Jupiter?

Meanwhile, Alby and Suz are being held captive by Enemy Dalek forces. But with the Emperor's consciousness inhabiting Suz's mind, can Alby ever again trust the woman he loves?

And could it be that Kalendorf and the Mentor have stumbled into a Dalek trap? Time may be running out for the human alliance with the Daleks from another universe...


Dalek War: Chapter Three was another good and solid audio story to continue along the second series of Dalek Empire. The stories really are following suit in terms of quality and theme, but despite the good scores I am hoping for some more action to shoot the ratings up into the higher grounds of 9 and 10/10 scores. Hopefully Nicholas Briggs gives a storming finale to make this already good series great. The tone is certainly different from the first series but that's also allowed for a considerable development of the main characters. All of whom I think are great. Kalendorf is filled with mystery during this episode and we're never quite sure what his true intentions are or what side he is on. What's his agenda in the long run? I'm not sure. It seemed clear that prior to this story Kalendorf had some sort of feelings for Suz but after seeing her for the first fin in so long, he barely paid her any attention which was a surprise to me. Alby and Suz consummating their reunion with a kiss was a nice touch and after their love story and separation seeping over into the second series, it's great to see the pair back together. They both at least deserve each other. I thought this story made the cliffhanger of the previous chapter a bit anti-climactic as Suz proclaiming to be the Emperor of the Daleks was barely mentioned. I really did think a lot more would be made of that as it was built up during the previous instalment. Of course, we know the threat of the consciousness is still there within Suz and the Daleks from the primary universe will do anything to get to her. I just love the way they say Susan Mendes. It makes her sound so important, which she is, but it adds menacing to the Daleks and what they want with her. The Mentor was very good again and I like the enigma behind her being the creator of the Alliance Daleks. She's so different from Davros and it also appeared that these Daleks weren't created on the alternate universe's Skaro by the way she talked about the planet. I loved the continuation from Mission to the Unknown and The Daleks' Master Plan in having the Daleks use varga plants! That really was a tremendous throwback. The latter of the two Dalek stories ranks as one of my all time favourites so any reference to that I enjoy. I loved how Jupiter was used as part of the setting because of the apparent impossibility. Could the biggest planet in our solar system really be inhabited? It would appear so - and by Daleks! Mirana was back to her best from Dalek War: Chapter One here and she's right back in the picture in potentially pushing Suz in who would be my favourite character in this second series. She was superb. Morli sadly won't be in the running in that category as she was brutally exterminated! I loved the irony though of the Daleks coming in to save Suz right at the vital moment. Morli had been brainwashed by the Mentor and was planning on killing Suz, but Alby was having none of it! She was still herself despite what was dormant inside her head. Saloran was a magnificent character too and I loved her description of Kalendorf as being a warrior. What word would be better suited? The conclusion was most intriguing with Kalendorf seemingly using telepathy to get Suz on his side - and to team with the enemy Daleks! Granted that the Alliance Daleks aren't much better, but surely she wouldn't team with her enemy? Alby's involvement in the cliffhanger was very good and I'm looking forward to seeing the resolution in the final chapter! Just what is Kalendorf up to?

Rating: 8/10

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