Sunday 15 November 2015

The Highgate Horror Part 2

"The Vampires' power shall be mine!"

Writer: Mark Wright 
Format: Comic Strip
Released: 12th November 2015
Printed in: DWM 493

Featuring: Twelfth Doctor, Clara 


It's the 1970s and strange happenings are going on at Highgate Cemetary. The TARDIS is just another tombstone, the Doctor is a shallow husk of the man he normally is and the Corvids are closing in. Will anyone survive this nightmare?


The Highgate Horror concluded in pretty good fashion here with this second part to the story that started last month! With both parts being released either side of Halloween, I'm sure that festivity had something to do with the theme of the comic strip adventure. Before I continue with the comic story itself, I'll talk about the magazine itself and it's quite a significant one as this will be the last issue released whilst Clara remains the current companion. The next time I buy Doctor Who Magazine she will have left but at least until a new companion fills that gap she'll remain the current comic strip companion! Her characterisation lately has been wonderful and that's no change here. Anyway, I was quite surprised by the length of the Sleep No More preview (yes, I have read a large chunk of the magazine already) but it was excellent! Reece Shearsmith and Mark Gatiss should do more interviews together that's for sure. Sadly, the episode itself didn't quite live up to my hopes and expectations which were partly inspired by this very preview. I will read the remaining previews of Face the Raven and Heaven Sent/Hell Bent probably a couple of hours prior to their broadcast as that way things will remain fresh in my mind. But this month's issue offers a lot more than just episode previews! I'm really looking forward to the interviews with Jamie Mathieson and Catherine Tregenna after their superb stories of The Girl Who Died and The Woman Who Lived, the latter of which remains my favourite episode of the series so far. Galaxy Forum is always a joy to read but not more so than when a letter of your own gets printed! I didn't quite win the Star Letter of the Month as with my first letter but considering I've only ever written in twice and both times I've been printed - I must say I am delighted! Steven Moffat's column was as bonkers as ever and I quite like how he goes off on tangents and nearly uses up all of his allotted space on one question! Gallifrey Guardian reported the delightful news that the Tenth Doctor and Donna are set for new adventures in the shape of Big Finish audios which is just magnificent. In saying that though, I really am quite put off by the price of £30 for just three one hour stories. That seems a bit excessive but I guess they know the demand will be there and they want to take advantage of that. I'm always looking forward to reading Relative Dimensions as I so very much love Jacqueline Rayner. Give her a bloody TV story for Series 10! She wouldn't fail that's a guarantee. It all looks set to be another exciting issue and I'm intrigued by the Fast Return Switch feature going on a revival era story. Now back to the comic strip and after the sensational part one cliffhanger I didn't feel things were advanced upon quite enough here for a stronger rating. It was good, don't get me wrong, but I really felt it had the makings of topping Blood and Ice as my favourite Twelfth Doctot comic strip adventure yet. That wasn't the case sadly. The large inactivity of the Doctor was a little stumbling block which I find ironic for myself as I so love the First Doctor! But that allowed Clara to take centre stage and she shone, especially with her characterisation nailed. This definitely had a Series 9 feel about it which I'm always looking for during broadcast and the guitar solo mention was right in line with that. Jess was a tad annoying I found but I loved how Clara splintering herself across the Doctor's timeline, a nice mention to The Name of the Doctor, meant that the Corvids didn't like her at all! Once the Doctor was restored to his normal self, the threat was dealt with an exciting end. Gabriel was a fantastic character and I now do wonder that with another mention of a splinter Clara after Winny's appearance a few months back, is this a recurring theme? I'm not quite sure. But overall, a good story. 

Rating: 8/10

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