Friday 20 November 2015


"If Davros is to die, it must be by his own hand..."

Writer: Lance Parkin
Format: Audio
Released: September 2003
Series: Main Range 48

Featuring: Sixth Doctor


TAI stock has shot up by over fifteen percent on news that galaxy-famous scientist Davros, controversial creator of the Daleks, has been hired to work on unspecified technological projects. 

Davros has been given the chance to redeem himself. 

Humanity stands on the verge of a new era, but it needs the help of the galaxy's greatest ever scientist. But Davros is dead... isn't he?

From the bunkers and shelters of ancient Skaro to the gleaming domes of the future Earth Empire, Davros has always been a man of destiny. Now he's working for mankind's benefit. But how much do we really know about Davros?

Has Davros really turned over a new leaf? The Doctor certainly doesn't think so. But is the Doctor always right?


Davros was an excellent audio story! The second in what I like to call a villain trilogy which presents us with an interesting dynamic in having the Doctor travelling alone and coming up against a familiar villain. Only a couple of days ago I listened to Omega which saw the Fifth Doctor battle the megalomaniac Time Lord. It was good but perhaps not quite to the superb standard I was sneakily hoping for. I try not to get assumptions of the story beforehand but with audio adventures named after villains, it's a little difficult. That was also the case here with the audio debut of Davros. The creator of the Daleks is one of my all time favourite villains and after recently watching The Magician's Apprentice/The Witch's Familiar, in which Davros returned, I liked how this actually bore a few similarities. Surprise surprise, Davros was dying! Is there ever a story set after Genesis of the Daleks where he's not? I think his ability to survive (which isn't always explained) makes him such a good character. Davros has always been thought of as close to an equal to the Doctor, but in a completely different way to the Master, and this story was just the same. It was really intriguing though to have a Davros story without the Daleks. It almost seems pointless but that was far from the case! There was so much explored about Davros's past and it was magnificent. We had the revelation of what caused Davros to be confined to his infamous chair and why he had what was referred to as an eye camera. I liked how we got some flashbacks to Davros as a man prior to his accident and it's an interesting dynamic to think of Skaro prior to the Daleks. But I think perhaps the most significant thing to come out of this at sip story was that it was not Davros who came up with the idea for the Daleks. It was the woman, although he said he was incapable of loving, he clearly did. To ensure that he would be remembered as the single most successful scientist in Skaro's history, he used his authority to have her hanged. That's quite a horrific way to go about ensuring he got the credit for creating the Daleks! I loved what should have been obvious when it was pointed out that Davros worked in rocketry. Of course that wasn't to explore the stars - it was to fire at the Thals. I thought that was fantastic and just added to how evil Davros is. But it's not all he is as he recalled how painful it was to be in cryogenic suspension between the events of Destiny of the Daleks and Resurrection of the Daleks - I found that really interesting. I think that would just drive him to commit more atrocities though. It was lovely to hear Wendy Padbury back in a Doctor Who story! She wasn't playing Zoe as she is famous for amongst us Whovians but instead she played the fantastic Lorraine Baynes. I really loved her character and I thought she had an interesting dynamic with Davros. Colin Baker was excellent once again as the Sixth Doctor and I definitely maintain that he is the best Doctor in this format. I did find the absence of a companion to be part of the reason why this audio didn't achieve full marks, there wasn't quite anyone for the Doctor to bounce off. Willis was another good character and when I come to think about it, this story really did have a great guest cast! Arnold and Kim were just as equally good. Shan was a favourite of mine as well though as she was the one who had the idea of the Daleks. Davros admired her intellect and even thought it superior to his own but he killed her to ensure he got credit for the creation of the Daleks! I enjoyed the action in the climax but I also loved how the Doctor knew that Davros had survived. They'd be seeing each other soon I'm sure. Overall though, another very good story to go in this loose trilogy of villain stories! I'm looking forward to the next. 

Rating: 9/10


  1. Grand audio.
    Enjoy Shan's scenes. She was so nice and funny. Inspire scenes when Shan joins Rose's team.

  2. I got ideas base on this.

    1. Shan pops up on Pete's World. A Pete's World version who went on some ship to find a new world where her people and some Thals can dwell. She joins Rose's team. Rose would be the first human to become ehr pal. Shan would also befriend Clara, Martha, Gwen, Yaz, Ace, and mroe (Pete's World ones).

    2. Shan would mention the Kaleyds turning dead people to tablets.,. hesitantly.

    3. Shan would be impress by Earth;s food.
