Tuesday 18 March 2014

The Time Meddler

"It's a TARDIS. The Monk's got a TARDIS!"

Writer: Dennis Spooner
Format: TV
Broadcast: 3rd July - 24th July 1965
Season: 2.09

Featuring: First Doctor, Vicki, Steven


The TARDIS lands on the Northumbrian coast, where new companion Steven discovers a Viking helmet and the Doctor deduces they must have arrived in the 11th century. Steven remains sceptical, especially when he and Vicki encounter what appears to be a Saxon hunter with a modern wristwatch. Investigating a nearby monastery, the Doctor discovers further anachronisms. Who is the mysterious monk observing the time travellers' every move, and why is he so interested in the outcome of the Battle of Hastings?


The Time Meddler is a brilliant serial. Quite superb. It's never dull and it starts right off with some action where the Doctor and Vicki, after reference their missing of Ian and Barbara for the last time, think there's a Dalek in the living quarters of the TARDIS! It turns out to be Steven, who we briefly met at the end of The Chase, the previous TV serial. I liked how the Doctor accepted him 'on face value' and allowed Vicki to be more expressive now. I like how now she can open up more, she's no longer the new girl around Ian and Barbara who'd been on board for some time before her arrival in The Rescue, she's the one with TARDIS experience and Steven is the new boy. I thought the Monk was absolutely brilliant and adored his meddling ways! It was clear from the episode one cliffhanger that the Doctor knew who this man was and that later became clear. They were from the same place, of the same species, and the Monk not only had a TARDIS, it was an improved version than that of the Doctor's! The episode three cliffhanger was one of my favourites yet - up there with episode one of The Reign of Terror, where Vicki and Steven stumble aboard and discover the Monk's TARDIS! The instant relationship between Vicki and Steven, whilst separated from the Doctor, was terrific and the pair instantly bonded. Another great relationship, of course for many different reasons, was that of the Doctor and the Monk. Humour and envy, intrigue and mockery. The Doctor had the upper hand in regards to intelligence it seemed but the Monk's devious plan would take some stopping! He wanted to alter one of the most well known historical events; The Battle of Hastings! He wanted to kill the Norwegian Viking fleet to allow Harold Godwinson to defeat William the Conquerer! The climax was fantastic and I adored the way the Doctor defeated the Monk, a nice letter plus the retrieval of his dimensional stabiliser. Accused as a Viking spy, the Monk was trapped in 1966! Fantastic.

Rating: 9/10

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