Sunday 9 March 2014

The Space Museum

"The least important things, sometimes, my dear boy, lead to the greatest discoveries."

Writer: Glyn Jones
Format: TV
Broadcast: 24th April - 15th May 1965
Season: 2.07

Featuring: First Doctor, Ian, Barbara, Vicki


The TARDIS lands on the planet Xeros, where a vast museum houses a collection of relics from the galactic conquests of the mighty Morok Empire. Whilst they are exploring, the Doctor and his companions make a disturbing discovery: their future selves are preserved in the museum as exhibits in a display case!

Now the time travellers face a terrible dilemma: how can they escape their fate, when every decision they make could be taking them a step closer to their doom?


The Space Museum is a fantastic serial that seems to undeservingly go unnoticed in quality when fans talk about the early years of Who. Episode one was absolutely outstanding and I adored the mystery, silence and tense atmosphere. The way in which the TARDIS crew's clothes mysteriously changed form their Crusading attire back to normal and the fact that the foursome weren't leaving any footprints in the dusty surface was just eery brilliance. The horror discovery in the Morok Museum of conquests, themselves, dormant-like, was superb and led the way for the story to unfold. A continuous dilemma with an unknown answer - how can the four travellers continue their ventures when every step could be leading them to their doom. A concept I adored. I really liked the cliffhangers, particularly episode one. Vicki's involvement with the Xeron revolution attempts were excellent and now that she's more than settled in as companion, as well as the Doctor's fondness towards her, I'm liking her a lot! I just wish the production team would have her attire something similar to what she was wearing in The Romans. Lobos as Governor was a tremendous villain and his sinister calmness made him excellent! The scene with the Doctor and the Dalek exhibit is an all-time favourite of mine and is certainly a historically good scene in the Whoniverse. The climax with the revolution taking place was great and Vicki's involvement was terrific. The surprise lead in to the next serial with the Daleks appearing was fabulous! The Dalek's 'greatest enemies' were on their way from Xeros, but it seems the Daleks have a time machine of their own and are keen to avenge the Doctor and co for events in The Dalek Invasion of Earth. I look forward to the next serial where the chase will be on!

Rating: 9/10

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