Wednesday 5 March 2014

Ball-Pit Beast


"Oh, how sweet - we're at the Dropzone! It's a space nursery, where busy alien mums and dads leave their delightful kids for the day."

Writer: Glenn Dahin
Format: Comic Strip
Released: 26th February 2014
Printed in: DWA 340

Featuring: Eleventh Doctor, Clara


The Eleventh arrive on the Dropzone Asteroid in the year 2936. It's the home of an alien babysitting area but as soon as the TARDIS lands, a ball pit turns into a beast...


Ball-Pit Beast is probably the first blog entry I've ever done where the story is in line with release date. I picked up the latest issue of Doctor Who Adventures for the first time earlier this week pretty much for the comic strip alone, just to test it out and despite its shortness in length, it was actually really good and I enjoyed it! It didn't take long to complete at all with just 4 pages to get through, but the artwork was excellent. Now, the story was quite clearly aimed at the younger audience (around 5-12 I'm guessing) but its canonical and part of the Whoniverse nonetheless and I for one enjoyed it! The Eleventh Doctor and Clara is my all-time TARDIS pairing so I welcome any stories with them. The idea of an alien babysitting dropzone was excellent and of course Smith's Doctor would love it, almost feeling at home! Clara was great too and the graphic of the Ball-Pit Beast, which just actually wanted to play based on the telepathic message of the dropped-off babies and children, was tremendous. Barely long enough for a plot but the story itself was very good and enjoyable! I look forward to issue 341...

Rating: 8/10

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