Saturday 15 March 2014

The Chase

"Yes! Home! I want to sit in a pub and drink a pint of beer again. I want to walk in a park, and watch a cricket match. And above all I want to belong somewhere and do something, instead of this aimless drifting around in space!"

Writer: Terry Nation
Format: TV
Broadcast: 22nd May - 26th June 1965
Season: 2.08

Featuring: First Doctor, Ian, Barbara, Vicki


The travellers are forced to flee in the TARDIS when they learn from the Time-Space Visualiser from the Moroks' museum that a group of Daleks equipped with their own time machine are on their trail with orders to exterminate them.


The Chase is a tremendous story and one I thoroughly enjoyed. After the successes of The Daleks and The Dalek Invasion of Earth, it was inevitable that the infamous Daleks would be returning to Doctor Who pretty quickly. After the surprise lead in at the end of The Space Museum, I adored how the Daleks had built themselves their own time machine, also bigger on the inside! The many locations explored during the story was excellent. Aridius was a good planet to explore and I liked the cliffhanger with the Dalek struggling to exit the sand. The scenes on the Empire State Building were outstanding for humour with the Alabama tourist, superb indeed. The Mary Celeste setting was excellent and I enjoyed the humour when Vicki knocked out Ian! The havoc caused once the Daleks arrived was great and it explained how the ship's crew had all mysteriously disappeared, at least in the Whoniverse. Mechanus was a terrific setting with beast-like flora, a jungle and an outstanding city. The way the Mechanoids, which looked excellent, placed the foursome in a contained room, like specimens in a zoo, was really interesting. The plot itself with the Daleks chasing the TARDIS through time, always gaining, was excellent. The use of the Time-Space Visualiser was fantastic and I personally would love to have a machine of its capabilities! The arrival of Steven in the story was good and I really liked him on first viewing. The way the crew helped Steven escape and in turn escape from the Mechanoid city soon to be invaded by Daleks, which the Doctor put an end to with his explosive machine, was brilliant. I adored how the Daleks referred to the TARDIS crew as their greatest enemies and were after revenge after the events of The Dalek Invasion of Earth. The references to that story were very good and I also liked the humorous reference to The Space Museum in regards to Barbara's cardigan. The idea of the duplicate robotic Doctor was outstanding but I just don't understand why they didn't use Hartnell for the majority of the scenes. The sad and sudden departure of Ian and Barbara was emotional but wonderful. The Dalek time machine, capable of going anywhere in time and space, was empty and defeated of the Daleks. Ian and Barbara took their chance despite the Doctor's stubbornness, who needed the persuasion of Vicki, and returned home. A few years ahead of the time they left but they were back home. The Doctor and Vicki watching them on the Time-Space Visualiser was a lovely touch and showed how much the Doctor has developed since An Unearthly Child. Angered at Ian and Barbara storming onto his ship, now devastated to see them go. A wonderful story but a lot of production errors hurt it in parts, but I try not to let that affect it!

Rating: 9/10

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