Saturday 8 March 2014

The Broken Man


"Okay, we've lost the Doctor, a giant tetris game is about to eat Prague, and I'm seriously freezing. Got any ideas?"

Writer: Scott Gray
Format: Comic Strip
Released: 30th August 2012
Printed in: DWM 451-454

Featuring: Eleventh Doctor, Amy, Rory


Prague, 1989: Patrick Lake and his family are desperate to return to London, but Patrick is hiding a dark secret from his wife - he is a British spy working undercover to bring down Yuri Azarov, a man whose rise to power leaves devastation for all. Patrick finds an ally in a traveller called the Doctor, a man whose name echoes throughout history, according to Patrick's associate Hugo Wilding. But the Doctor's attempt to discover the truth leaves Patrick's family - and Rory - at the mercy of Yuri and his sinister, inhuman, sidekick...


The Broken Man was an excellent read and for my first comic strip split into parts, a great concept, it was brilliant! I really liked the Prague setting during 1989, of course it's historically important and allowed the Doctor to enter the timezone. The villain of Yuri Azarov was really good and his sinisterness made him unlikable which is what you always look for in a villain-like enemy. Patrick Lake's character was good and I liked how he was actually a spy looking to bring the downfall of Yuri, not the accountant his wife and child thought he was. The story being centred about a 16th century book was interesting and the fact it was home of The Movora was unique - I loved the concept that it existed in 2D form so could simply pass through walls, floors and anything really! It was exuberantly coloured and it's form of killing was horrific! I adored the lipstick that Amy had to get out of trouble, a gift on Mother's Day, from River Song of course which we've seen her use numerous times. The cliffhangers were all very good and the banter between Amy and Rory, though minimal compared to many other stories, was still fantastic. The Golem was a terrific concept and I liked how religion was specifically mentioned in Doctor Who, that doesn't happen often. As an Athiest, I don't mind but religion has shaped history significantly. After reading this comic in the Hunters of the Burning Stone comic strip collection, I was given a recap of the The Chains of Olympus collection in which it seems an alias has been going around and I do hope to find out what is buried in man. It seems to have been following the Doctor everywhere and I hope to find out what it means! The climax was excellent with Heather heroically saving Prague and her daughter and the Movora Queen being defeated. I loved being reunited with the trio of the 11th Doctor, Amy and Rory in a fantastic story!

Rating: 9/10

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