Wednesday, 5 March 2025

War Room: Manoeuvres: Ambition's Debt

"Obliterate me!"

Writer: Katharine Armitage 
Format: Audio
Released: September 2023
Series: Gallifrey 14.04

Featuring: Leela, Narvin, General, Rasmus, Veklin


Tensions run high in the War Room as the battle for control intensifies. A world has gone missing, the Daleks are too quiet, and something new lurks in the shadows... A dangerous plan is set in motion with the potential to change everything. 


Ambition's Debt was a great episode to conclude the Manoeuvres fourteenth series of Gallifrey as the second instalment of War Room! This has rounded out what was a really strong and consistent series. Despite my high rating and enjoyment of the series, I do think this could have been even better and more climactic in terms of a finale. That’s not a problem though and it does seem to just be a middle boxset in a much wider arc. It’s a shame there was a year delay to the third boxset but it means I’ll be able to pre order and listen on time! I’m all up to date with Gallifrey now which excites me terribly and I can’t wait to hear how Ollistra takes to essentially being second in command to Rassilon. I would have liked some appearance from the President Eternal in this series given everything that’s happened with Romana and the mission of Leela and Narvin to save her, but I suspect that’s building as the series goes on. I thought the link back to Collaborators was excellent and the continuity with what had now happened to Orrison was terrific. It was no surprise to find that the same writer penned the opener and finale and that worked out very nicely. Narvin felt a little absent from the episode which was a shame, but his reaction to finding out that the Daleks had taken the planet and repurposed it for their own gain as part of the Berserker programme was palpable. He was devastated by his previous actions in the decision made for the planet and now the Daleks were using the bolt for their own preparations. The Berserker class Daleks were explored further here which was intriguing and the concept of them repairing themselves from any materials around them is frightening. The fate of those met in the series opener with Leela encountering Ferdi now converted as a Dalek was horrifying! The battlecry of obliterate was scary when he wanted it done to himself. Even Leela tried to detonate him but he just started repairing himself from the surrounding materials. I thought Clemantia was really interesting here and her explanation to Leela about the siphoning of time was fascinating. Comparing time to energy was mightily intriguing and I love the idea that if there are still points then that excess time needs to go somewhere and that’s where the flowers came in as an organic component. I thought that was terrific. Ollistra was in superb villainous form here with what happened at the end in the revelation that she had basically orchestrated the entire thing for her own political gain! The scale of Time Lord sacrifice here and the fake battle plans was shocking as she outed them and manipulated them into aiding her control of the War Room. It was cunning stuff! It puts the War Room in such a perilous yet interesting position ahead of the next boxset! I can’t wait to hear where things go from here. Overall, a very strong episode to conclude a great and consistent series!

Rating: 8/10

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