"If it means getting my friends home..."
Writer: Jonathan Morris
Format: Audio
Released: March 2015
Series: Monthly Adventures 197
Featuring: Fifth Doctor, Nyssa, Tegan, Turlough
A Great Darkness is spreading over E-Space. Entropy increases. In search of a last exit to anywhere, the TARDIS arrives on the power-less planet of Apollyon, where the scientist Pallister guards the only way out – mysterious portal. But the portal needs power to open, and the only power Pallister can draw on is the energy contained within the molecular bonds of all living tissue...
The Doctor, Nyssa, Tegan and Turlough soon learn that neither Pallister nor his ally, the space pirate Captain Branarack, will stop at murder to ensure their escape. But they're not the only menace on Apollyon. The Sandmen are coming – creatures that live on the life force; that live on death.
Death is the only way out into N-Space. Death, or sacrifice.
But whose death?
Whose sacrifice?
The Entropy Plague was another excellent Monthly Adventures audio! This was an emotional tale that saw the conclusion of the Fifth Doctor’s E-Space trilogy. I really liked the parallels with Warriors’ Gate and how the Doctor remembered walking in the castle grounds of which the insert was from Powys Castle in my own place of birth in Welshpool. That provided a smile as I heard the Doctor reminisce on that and personally provided some strong imagery in my own visualisation of the story. I liked how this followed on nice from where Equilibrium left off with Tegan having been kidnapped and that cliffhanger is pretty much responsible for why I listened to this audio today to round out the trilogy immediately. I was excited to hear what direction things were take and they soon became pretty powerful. The Apollyon setting was really good and the preparation for the end of E-Space put things in quite a daunting position. Entropy itself playing a role in the plot was excellent and it’s a concept that is just fascinating. It’s obviously damaging and this story quickly becomes all about Nyssa. She made a huge decision back in Terminus to depart the TARDIS on the first occasion on screen, but now we see her make an altogether more difficult and emotional decision to leave again. The circumstances were completely different here and I thought it was fantastic for the exposure to entropy to reverse the events of The Emerald Tiger and her rejuvenation. The shock that came from her wrinkled skin and grey hair really did set the tone for her fate. I mean, given the format of the story and how it was being recalled to her son Adric her fate was sealed right from the off. As soon as it was mentioned that a tribute was required for entry to the portal then I knew Nyssa would be sacrificing herself. Thankfully, she wouldn’t perish and would survive but for how long we don’t know. She stabilised E-Space for a few hundred years at least although that wasn’t much of a consolation to Adric. I wonder if we’ve heard the last of him as he wasn’t exactly happy with the Doctor despite it being Nyssa’s decision. I liked how she wrote a letter at the end to make sure the Doctor was absolved of blame and her children might one day know it was her choice alone. The hunt for Tegan was pretty amusing and I was almost stunned at how lacking in concern the Doctor was for her safety. I know she’s a loudmouth but even for him I was stunned! The concept behind the Sandmen was good as well and the revelation regarding how they were created with the tributes was superbly horrifying. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, sand to sand indeed. Pallister’s obsession throughout regarding the entropy and the gateway was intriguing and the Doctor was almost on a similar level. His desperation was clear in how much he wanted the TARDIS on the ship to get through the CVE even if tributes were required. Turlough thought similarly but just as long as it wasn’t one of the companions. Of course, Nyssa took her own initiative as she knew she could help with the entropy as well. It was a noble second departure for one of my all time favourite companions! Overall, a fantastic audio adventure!
Rating: 9/10
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