"Some flavours work together."
Writer: Matt Fitton
Format: Audio
Released: April 2018
Series: Eighth Doctor Adventures: Ravenous 1.04
Featuring: Eighth Doctor, Liv, Helen
The Eleven has the authorities in the palm of his hand and an entire world held to ransom when the Kandyman cooks up a deal confection containing a secret ingredient. In a last-ditch attempt to prevent disaster Liv teams up with a desperate criminal, and the Doctor must decide whether Helen is still his friend.
Sweet Salvation was a strong conclusion to the first volume of Ravenous within the Eighth Doctor Adventures! This followed on directly from World of Damnation and whilst strong it did just feel more like a part two instead of a finale of a boxset. That's no major issue given that there are three more volumes to come, but I was probably expecting a little more in terms of the overall arc of the Ravenous. We left things wondering what and who the Ravenous was as a mythical thing of legend, but I like touching a little on its origins with the Thought Spiders and the confectionary theme that was going on in this episode. I would expect that given the Kandyman was one of the main villains and exploring that character in a more serious tone as a humanoid android. It was definitely easier to take him as a more credible threat in this story and that is partly down to the alliance with the Eleven who really came into his own again here. I thought the use of his previous incarnations coming to the forefront of things was excellent with the likes of the Seven being used for his mind in heading the project and then the Ten using his psychic powers. It was a fascinating multiple character exploration and I really liked what was happening. Exploring the relationship between Helen and the Eleven was excellent as the Time Lord was just playing a long game. He wanted to use Helen and she wasn't even wiser as to why. He was hoping to tap into her large psychic potential with Sonomancer capabilities which was wonderful continuity with Doom Coalition. The Doctor's distrust of Helen throughout the episode did get a tad uncomfortable at times because he wasn't explaining his rationale whereas Liv was irked and she was just delighted to be back with her best friend. However her alliance formed with Ruzalla was really good and it was quite easy to forget that she was a criminal given the emotional pull of her connection with Jarl. Their dynamic was terrific and there were some really strong pairings throughout. The silk being infused in every food product was a deliciously evil way to bring about control for the Eleven and the use of the Kandyman along with the Thought Spiders to amplify that control was scary. The Eleven was scary enough as just that many, let alone four billion! He would be unstoppable! I thought Liv's role in destroying the Kandyman was unfortunate as despite everything I can't help but feel a little sympathy towards the character due to his unhinged nature. The use of being infused by sour chemicals and making the Kandyman go bad actually painted a horrifying image, but a powerful one for sure. The Doctor connecting with Jarl to take on the Eleven at his own mental psychic games was a fine way to round him out and whilst he's banished away in another plane and running away from the Ravenous, I don't suspect he will be gone for long. There's just so much to like about the character. I thought the Doctor being accepting of Helen again as a companion was a bit of a relief as it initially seemed like he was going to be leaving her to have a new life on Rykerzon! She would rather leave that to the more qualified and would once again travel in the TARDIS. A lovely end to an eventful double-finale! Overall, a great episode to conclude a very strong story and series.
Rating: 8/10