Monday 13 May 2024

The Casebook of Paternoster Row: Anne of a Thousand Light Years

"How I hate the discomfort of bones."

Writer: James Kettle
Format: Audio
Released: April 2024
Series: Paternoster Gang 6.01

Featuring: Fourth Doctor, Vastra, Jenny, Strax


The course of true love never does run smooth – especially when it involves a high-born young lady, a humble farmhand and extra-terrestrial chameleons on the lookout for breeding stock. 

Will Lady Anne Warminster marry the man of her dreams? Will the amorphous Glossophants secure their chosen spawn bride? Will Jenny ever finish reading a novel by Anthony Trollope?

In the heart of the English countryside, the Gang tackle an assignment involving romance, skulduggery and horse manure.


Anne of a Thousand Light Years was a decent start to The Casebook of Paternoster Row second instalment of the Trespassers series of adventures for the Paternoster Gang. For some reason though this one felt slightly off from the start. As my rating reflects, the episode is a good one and I really enjoyed but I just couldn't help but feel something was missing. We seemed to be just thrown into events surrounding Lady Anne Warminster and the mystery of the Glossophants was just strange. It all seemed to come out of nowhere and mix together, but it was still thoroughly entertaining! I was grateful to not have any foreknowledge on which episode the Fourth Doctor appeared in so when Vastra walked in on him as the would be solicitor it was a very fun surprise! I think it was genuinely shocking because I really didn't have any suspicion that he would feature. It didn't feel like the right episode but the initial conversation he and Vastra had was tremendous. It was amusing for her to almost be a little peeved at him getting involved and the confusion on which one he actually was made for lighthearted entertainment. His disappearance in the TARDIS was a little annoying as I would love for him to have had more interaction with the Paternoster Gang as a whole instead of just Vastra, but I guess something is better than nothing? It just felt like he was thrown into the story without really impacting it any way. By the time he returned from getting some knowledge on the Glossophants, Vastra and company had already dealt with them by putting the Lord Warminster impersonator into a pocket dimension. So I do question what the purpose was? If it was just as a selling point that's a shame as it almost took the shine from the Paternoster Gang a little. Strax had his usual comedy moments to shine which I always enjoy and the demonstration of the pocket universe and it being so cramped was very amusing. He really ought to have used the tongs! Jenny was probably the least utilised of the Gang in the episode but I'm sure she will shine later in the series, although it was great to hear her in action as a maiden. The discussion on class and privilege was intriguing to explore and Strax's reaction to Anne potentially being a Glossophant offspring was tremendous. He seemed pretty reviled by the concept of procreation. The little line about the Rutans he shared with Vastra after she expressed interest in shapeshifters was terrific and I suspect a nice subtle continuity line for the Trespassers tagline to keep fresh in the memory. Albert was a nice character and it was good that he and Anne genuinely loved each other and that would be why they would marry. She didn't want to be set up by her family and marry for class and hierarchical reasons. She would get her wish by the end which was really nice. The oncoming threat of the Glossophants never felt like something that could be taken too seriously as they did seem fit for a gag with how they greeted. Jenny getting caught up in the events after reading her Trollope novel was nicely done as well and she almost seemed ashamed to be a fan. The episode really did feel so terribly English which is a good representation of the class of the Victorian era where this definitely fits right in. As a whole, there was nothing particularly wrong with the story and it was really entertaining, but a little more clarity would have been beneficial. 

Rating: 7/10

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