Saturday 25 May 2024

73 Yards

"She's definitely following me."

Writer: Russell T Davies
Format: TV
Broadcast: 25 May 2024
Series: 14.04

Featuring: Fifteenth Doctor, Ruby


Landing on the Welsh coast, the Doctor and Ruby embark on the strangest journey of their lives. In a rain-lashed pub, the locals sit in fear of ancient legends coming to life.


73 Yards was a very intriguing episode to continue the ongoing series! It was clear from the trailer and the preview in Doctor Who Magazine that this one was going to be a little bit different, and that was certainly true! With no opening titles either, the tone was really set for something unique. I'm still not entirely sure how I feel about the episode to be honest. It's an absolute standout performance for Millie Gibson as Ruby which is wonderful after how Gatwa shined as the Doctor in Boom last week, but I'm not entirely on board with everything that happened. I was a big fan of the Welsh setting being a patriotic Welshman myself, and just seeing the gorgeous clifftops was a delight. This really is a scenic nation. I thought the comment about castles being drowned in blood as a sign of English oppression was strong and as a Plaid Cymru voter, I was well on board with that feeling of being oppressed. The Doctor barely features which was a bit of a surprise to me, but these Doctor-lite episodes sometimes become classics. I've seen some strong reviews for the episode describing it as an instant classic and whilst I don't entirely agree with that, I can see why some fans and critics may think so. It's a big journey of exploration for Ruby and she seems so out of place in the Welsh village pub. The lack of music there for me was unsettling and I was a big fan of the atmosphere throughout the episode. The Doctor breaking the fairy circle had some unsettling consequences as he vanished without trace and the TARDIS was also left abandoned and seemingly locked from the inside. This was a clever way though for Ruby to get home and give us a glimpse of her family life once again. After the Doctor crashed into their flat in Space Babies, I liked that Ruby could come clean about things a little. She didn't hesitate in mentioning the woman that was following her. She was a fascinating figure throughout the episode and downright scary. Never approaching, but always 73 yards away. Wherever Ruby went, she was followed at a distance. The duration of the episode for Ruby was quite incredible as we see her come to terms with no longer being the Doctor's companion. Her encounter with Kate was a welcomed treat and I liked how she highlighted how things are getting supernatural. The consequences of the Fourteenth Doctor's actions in Wild Blue Yonder really are becoming felt now. Ruby recognising the hiker who we have seen in every episode this series was intriguing andI look forward to discovering just who she is. There haven't been any hints yet other than the fact she can be almost anywhere and anywhen. I wonder if she's connected to Mrs Flood who had a fun and uneventful reminder of her presence after her incredible breaking of the fourth wall in The Church on Ruby Road and knowledge of a TARDIS. The political element of the episode for the second half was intriguing as the Doctor forewarned her of Roger ap Gwilliam being a bad representation of Wales as a Prime Minister from 2036. Ruby being in the future and joining his political campaign as a way to stall it and prevent the nuclear actions he was encouraging was excellent. She thought that was her purpose. The scenes at Cardiff City Stadium for the political campaign after his election were incredible for me as I have a Cardiff City FC season ticket so seeing it used for something other than football and in a mainstream way was wonderful! Ruby using that stadium to get the figure following her close to the Prime Minister was terrific. I really enjoyed how any encounter with the figure up close sent the person running and with some severe distain for Ruby. I can't believe we don't know what was said! And why the 73 yards? They were two questions left unanswered that brought the rating down for me. Particularly the former one. Ruby growing old and the figure finally coming close and being revealed as her as time caught up with her was emotional, but I think there needed to be a bit more interference from Ruby to stop the Doctor from breaking the circle this time around. The whole Bad Jack story was good, but does this really stop it from happening? It would appear not as obviously Ruby's relationship with her mother Carla would still be in tact, but that look in the taxi could break through timelines! It was outstanding. Overall, a shining episode for Ruby but it's a shame she won't actually remember any of it happening. Some unanswered questions leave me with a somewhat uneasy feeling, but this was still good stuff. 

Rating: 7/10

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