Sunday 19 May 2024


"I'm dead, and this is heaven?"

Writers: Robert Khan & Tom Salinsky
Format: Audio
Released: November 2018
Series: Early Adventures 5.03

Featuring: First Doctor, Vicki, Steven


Cambridge, England, the mid 1930s. When the Doctor, Steven and Vicki get separated from the TARDIS they are forced to spend some time amongst the ancient spires of Sedgwick College. The college is mid-way through a leadership crisis following the unexplained disappearance of the Master of Sedgwick, Sir Isaiah Hardy. An election for his replacement is now taking place. 

But is that all that's happening in this seemingly peaceful location? The Proctors are behaving in mysterious ways and the students are prone to bursts of unexplained violence. When one of his companions also vanishes, the Doctor realises that there's more at stake here than control of an educational establishment. A dark plan is underway – one that threatens the entire future of humanity itself!


Entanglement was a decent story to continue my way through the fifth series of the Early Adventures! The idea behind this series of a continuous run like we would have had on screen during Season 3 is exciting, although the cliffhangers aren't that explosive. They don't seem to matter a huge deal in comparison to those within the actual story, but that's no big deal. It's good to keep things in isolation. I thought the setting for this one of Cambridge University in the 1930s was honestly a little drab, but I did appreciate the historical nature. It just wasn't the most exciting of places and hearing the stuck up and posh students that attended Sedgwick College was amusing because I just can't believe there are people on this planet who are that pompous. Imagine looking down on Oxford University? Strange goings on were in place though and I did enjoy that the Doctor was fascinated by the time of the 1930s on Earth in Britain. He was excited to explore and this incarnation of the Doctor certainly feels like he would be relatively at home at a university during this time. His guise as a visiting professor from King's Lynn was intriguing, but for Steven and Vicki they did feel a little out of place which was fun to play around with. I liked how their relationship was explored and Steven was almost teased about them perhaps being more than just friends. I do enjoy these two together and it was great for him to firmly put in place that he and Vicki were like brother and sister. That's always how I've viewed them and that just suits them. They're a brilliant companion pairing and I'm grateful to get this extended run of adventures with them. The focus on the Proctors was good stuff and the importance placed on the election was semi-interesting. I liked the development later that the winner would be the one to control the androids. That perhaps came a little late. The mystery involving the cameras was really strong and it was clear that once Vicki had physical possession she was inevitably going to take a snap and get zapped. Her disappearance was fascinating and I liked how she was almost convinced that she was in heaven! Isaiah Hardy and Linus Woolf were good characters and their being alien was decent but it did feel a little odd. The exploration of humanity was interesting and I loved how they appeared to not have aged when being in the class photos throughout the decades, but I'm not sure they ever felt particularly threatening. The twist concerning Lewis and Woolf was good and I must admit I didn't expect that coming for the part three cliffhanger build so I appreciated the surprise factor. Even the Doctor was a little stumped despite his claim that he suspected all three of not being of this Earth. He was of course proven correct. The pace of this one was a little slow but that actually suited the setting and even the Doctor. For this elderly incarnation it was quite nice to not have him rushing around and requiring rest. He could use a bit more wit as seen in how he got a message to Vicki to use the camera and return herself home, despite not knowing who she was. She dealt well with that memory loss once she got over the fact she didn't know her name. Woolf and Hardy ending up stuck in their own little looking glass was quite fitting really and the Doctor's enjoyment at not being entirely sure if they weren't in their own version of a looking glass was terrific. That little chuckle really is everything! Overall, a good listen and an exciting cliffhanger with Vicki going missing from the TARDIS! 

Rating: 7/10

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