Friday 1 July 2016

The Pestilent Heart Part 1

"Death. It has a habit of following me around."

Writer: Mark Wright 
Format: Comic Strip
Released: 30th June 2016
Printed in: DWM 501

Featuring: Twelfth Doctor, Jessica 


London. 1972. Six months on from the horrific events of Highgate Cemetary, Jessica Collins is trying to get on with her life. But on her way into college, she spots the Doctor and now things will never be the same for her again...


The Pestilent Heart started excellently with this first part of the brand new comic strip! After a staggeringly historic 500th issue, Doctor Who Magazine shows no sign of returning to normal with this issue! Released yesterday, I think this is actually my quickest turnaround in blogging the comic strip in quite some time. I'll get to the comic story in a little bit but first I must talk about the magazine itself, as per usual with my blogging of DWM comic strip adventures. Amazingly, nearly the entire issue is an enormous interview with Tom Baker! I'm intrigued to see how it goes as I must admit I am a little sceptical about its length. The idea is good but although the snippet of the interview in DWM 500 told us that it would continue in the next issue, I didn't expect to take up about two-thirds of the magazine's pages! I'll of course read it and I'm sure I'll report on my thoughts in my blogging of this comic strip's second part. The rest of the magazine just features the regular features, which are all pretty much great, and after reading the little preview on the Classic Doctors, New Monsters audio boxset I am very excited for that release. I think it'll be brilliant and it's actually one where I can agree on the price! I don't understand how Big Finish varies so much in price but I have no arguments with what they're charging for this upcoming release which is sure to be blogged in due time. I'm looking forward to reading Galaxy Forum fresh off the landmark issue and Gallifrey Guardian was also terrific. I absolutely love the issue's cover and I do hope they revert to the outstanding diamond logo. It's just so wonderfully good! I doubt they will though and I just see this as an overflow of the 500th issue celebrations. Anyway, back to the comic strip now and I must admit I was quite surprised to see Jessica back in the comic strip after her appearance in The Highgate Horror. That story was nicely referenced and I love how this magazine is filling the gap 2016 has with no television series as this story is quite clearly set after the events of Series 9, and particularly Heaven Sent/Hell Bent with the Doctor forgetting Clara. He's got his new sonic screwdriver in operation which is good and I must say Mark Wright absolutely nailed the characterisation of Peter Capaldi's incarnation. His rudeness to Jessica, particularly about Art History, was tremendous but I also adored his reaction to her doorstepping him! He was utterly shocked which doesn't happen for the Doctor at this stage in his life. DWM have made the right decision to be ridded of Clara from the comic strip and the timing was excellent too. DWC continues her travels so I'm excited with what's to come here for the Twelfth Doctor. I'm gonna stick my neck on the line here and say Jessica will travel with him until Bill pops up on our screens next year so I look forward to their travels should they occur. With the focus on the London Underground, I half expected the cliffhanger to reveal a Yeti but instead we got the skinless emerge of a type of dinosaur! Or at least that's how I interpreted it. It was strange and unexpected and I guess that's what you want in a cliffhanger! I look forward to the next issue very much now. This was a brilliant start!

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