Wednesday 20 July 2016

Miracle Day: The Gathering

"We need you to write history."

Writer: John Fay
Format: TV
Broadcast: 2nd September 2011
Series: Torchwood 4.09

Featuring: Captain Jack, Gwen, Rex, Esther 


As the Three Families plunge the world into recession, the Torchwood team - defeated, powerless and haunted - must strike a bargain with the devil himself.


Miracle Day: The Gathering was an outstanding penultimate episode of this amazing fourth series of Torchwood. It really has been incredible from start to finish and after over a week of watching things unfold, I finally get to the bottom of it tomorrow. But before we get to the finale, an incredible amount occurred in this episode! It was quite simply brilliant. I was intrigued that after the climatic events of End of the Road we quickly advanced two months ahead in the timeline and after being shot, Jack was on the mend and wasn't giving up his mortal life just yet. I think I'd willingly get shot to have someone like Esther looking after me for two months in solidarity. She really is just wonderful! She's been a magnificent addition to the team for the fourth series and it really is a great shame that there is yet to be a fifth series for her to work her magic. I bloody adore her. Seeing Gwen back home in Wales again was great and I liked how she and her family were still doing all they could to keep Geraint out of the ovens. I thought it was pretty terrible that the police were going out of their way to find a category one patient with the collapse of society happening simultaneously. Surely they would have something more important to do? I liked how anxious Charlotte was appearing in this episode as we now know she's part of the Three Families, she was doing all she could to defeat the CIA from within. I really liked how well Rex and Shapiro were getting on and the latter sanctioning off the grid missions was a very good show of faith. Rex knew something was up and the way he was trying to get to the bottom of the Miracle and the involvement of the Three Families was excellent. His determination really was superb. The reunion of Jack, Gwen and Esther in Wales was fantastic but I was not expecting Oswald Danes of all people to also show up. Brian Pullman was once again astoundingly good and the way he put himself on the mission surrounding the Blessing was brilliant. Esther ridiculing him about the coveted name he supposedly has was marvellous. She really is incredible. I loved the focus on Jilly and her trip to Shanghai and through her we would soon see the truth about the Blessing. Things were hinted at during the episode and thanks to an inflatable globe, Rhys quite literally connected the dots between Shanghai and Buenos Airies. They were quite literally opposite sides of the world and the answer had been staring them in the face all this time in the PhiCorp logo. Just what it is or how it works is yet to be revealed but the fact that it goes all the way through the Earth must mean it has some influence on the human race. What Jack's blood has to do with things is yet to be revealed but it was literally showing them way. His blood was moving towards it which intrigues me greatly. Rex and Esther heading to Buenos Airies whilst Jack, Gwen and Oswald were in Shanghai was good and I also liked how Charlotte was aware of Rex's location. She was worried but what they could actually do, I'm not too sure. All I know is that it was an incredible episode. We had a magnificent relationship between Gwen and Esther, humour between Rhys and Oswald and a whole lot of revelation about the Blessing and the Miracle. It looks set to be an epic finale and I can't wait to see how things are resolved. It's sure to be incredible.

Rating: 10/10

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