Tuesday 10 May 2016

Medicinal Purposes

"His death is his destiny."

Writer: Robert Ross
Format: Audio
Released: August 2004
Series: Main Range 60

Featuring: Sixth Doctor, Evelyn


Edinburgh, 1827.

The infamous body snatchers William Burke and William Hare are at large. The local prostitutes dull their fear with cheap whisky. The graveyard owls are hooting. Business is good. 

When accidental tourists the Doctor and Evelyn Smythe stumble upon one of Britain's most lurid, illuminating chapters in history, a simple case of interest in the work of dedicated man of science Doctor Robert Knox, quickly turns sour. 

Just what is that time-bending Scots mist? Whatever it is may put the very fabric of the universe under threat...

As always.


Medicinal Purposes was an excellent little audio adventure! It got me back into the Main Range of the Big Finish audio stories which was good as it does seem quite a while now since I listened to my last story from the range in The Roof of the World. If I'm ever to catch up then I need to try and keep ahead of things! It's going to take a lot of time (and money!) to catch up but I am confident I will get there at some point. I'm not sure it'll be anytime soon because I blog a decent variety of stories from all formats and different series and seasons within each one but I'll bloody get there! Anyway, back to this story and I thought it was very good. I enjoyed the setting of Edinburg in 1828 and it was an intriguing depiction of Doctor Who's take on the infamous bodysnatchings of William Burke and Billy Hare. I must admit this wasn't a historical topic I knew much, if anything, about at all. I've covered the time period in a little depth during A-levels but the focus was solely on Wales and England. I'm not sure if Doctor Robert Knox was an actual historical figure so I'll have to research, but I thought his story was superb. He really was an enigma and I liked how he was trying to toy with the Doctor. He'd get away with it for a little while but in the end the Doctor would of course come out on top. Colin Baker gives another brilliant performance as the Sixth Doctor and in the audios this incarnation of the Doctor is thriving. I mean, I loved him just as much during his television run but the public opinion seems to be that he was the worst Doctor and I think that's absolutely unfair. Alongside Evelyn, a companion I have fully grown to, his softer side is more than prevalent now and it's wonderful to hear. When Evelyn arrived in the TARDIS after The Marian Conspiracy I was a bit sceptical about having an older women as a companion. I must admit it has taken me some time but I really am enjoying her now alongside the Sixth Doctor. They really do suit each other very well and it makes for an interesting dynamic between the regular characters which is always a good thing to have. David Tennant appearing in the audio as Daft Jamie was marvellous but I must admit that I didn't he played the role until I checked the cast list after listening! He really did play it well. He was such a loveable character and I liked how because of him the Doctor reminisced about his former companion of the same name. That was a really nice moment. I also found the Doctor's comment about companions in general very interesting with him referring to the fact that it was inevitable that they all left him at some point. At least he had the TARDIS there as the one constant in his life. The Last Drop public house as the dominant setting was great and a pub atmosphere was created pretty well which was nice to hear. I liked Mary's character and her flirting with the Doctor but I was surprised by how much sexual innuendo and references there was. I have absolutely no problem with it but I can imagine there will be some who are critical. The plot was pretty well paced which is always good and although I thought the cliffhangers could have been better, the story advancement was done well. I liked how it all boiled down to money with Knox and the fact he had a TARDIS, and a Type-70 at that, made his character very interesting to me. I have no doubt that we'll see him again in the future because there are just too many unanswered questions. Was there more than just money on his agenda? He was amusing time travel and history and the Doctor would need to put a stop to that, but with him just leaving on the Doctor's order, he'll show up again. I have no doubts about that. I thought the mist could have been more prominent in the story as the concept was really good but it didn't feature enough as it should have. Knox using a virus that was remedied by alcohol in Scotland was quite ironic! Jamie loving his fame in early 1829 was really sweet and although the Doctor's plan worked, the daft ol' guy would become famous for a sad reason. He was left close to Burke and Hare to take his place in the history books. I was frankly amazed by the Doctor's acceptance of murder in the grand scheme of history as that is just something I never thought I would hear! I mean, it made sense but Evelyn was appalled and I can't say I blame her! The ending was done well and leaves things open for a Knox return which I liked. Overall, a really good audio but it was perhaps longer than it needed to be.

Rating: 8/10

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