Sunday 1 May 2016


"Security now tracking three suspects: one lunatic, one rogue penguin, one female in a parka."

Writers: Scott & David Tipton 
Format: Comic Strip
Released: June 2013
Series: Prisoners of Time 06

Featuring: Sixth Doctor, Peri, Frobisher


Our yearlong celebration of Doctor Who's 50th anniversary continues! Mmm, I wonder... aha! It is the Sixth Doctor who takes the spotlight in this issue of a 12-part epic adventure featuring all 11 incarnations of the Doctor! As Peri and Frobisher attempt to free the Doctor from an asylum, not one, but two villains are revealed! 


Façades was an outstanding comic strip to continue the epic adventure that Prisoners of Time is turning out to be! It has immediately dethroned In Their Nature as the best comic strip of the interconnected story arc so far because it just had everything that I wanted! One of my favourite Doctors, one of my favourite companions, two of my all time favourite enemies and it was all done around an excellent and fast paced story. I seemed to absolutely race through it and even though these stories are relatively short on their own at just one part (but much longer than the normal DWM comic strip parts), this one just flew by which is exactly what you want from a story. If it seems to go by quickly then I know I've enjoyed it which is always an excellent sign. I must admit I found it very duties in that Frobisher made an appearance in this story but as well as making an appearance, it seems like the loveable shape shifting penguin is going to play an extremely pivotal role in the way the arc of this story is going to play out. I absolutely loved the references to The Shape Shifter and I imagine much of the American audience who would originally be the primary readers of this collection might not know much about him at all so the explanation as to who he was made things a lot clearer. The setting of Antartica over 5000 years into the future was an interesting one and I liked the depiction of it having became one large city that was thriving. It was full if activity and intrigue and Frobisher loving being amongst the other penguins, despite not actually being a penguin himself, was quite hilarious. Once they had entered the actual confounds of the city rather than the natural penguin habitat, things got very interesting. The robots were interesting in almost immediately going after the Doctor, Peri and Frobisher and we would soon brilliantly learn who was in control here. It was the Master! I was delighted that the evil Time Lord got his run in this epic adventure and whilst I suppose it was inevitable, I was delighted that homage was paid to Terror of the Autons in having the Autons team up with the Master once more! The moment we learned that the Autons were present was sublime. I must also say that I thought the artwork of Anthony Ainley's Master was incredible. It was absolutely superb and I really don't think it could have been any better it was that good. The cameo of the Tenth Doctor was something that I did not expect to see but it has immediately brought the overlapping story to the forefront as he was communicating back to Frobisher on something of vital importance that needed to be done. I knew immediately when Peri referred to the Doctor as 'Doc' that she was actually Frobisher but the reasoning was what pleases me more. The Doctor again recognised the cloaked figure from previous companion kidnappings but now he seemed to have plan, both in present and in the future. But now he had the advantage because through Frobisher he had somebody who could intervene in the figure's affairs. He had somebody on board the ship with the other companions of the first six Doctors. What happens next I'm really not sure but I am eager to find out! I'm now halfway through Prisoners of Time and it's been tremendous to see so many companions, the first six incarnations of the Doctor and numerous past enemies! And this was the best of the lot so far. The characterisation of both Colin Baker's Sixth Doctor and Nicola Bryant's Peri were both magnificent and that always makes a story in this format better. The plot was exciting, fast paced and full of action which I loved. The climax worked very well too. Overall, everything you can ask for in a comic strip!

Rating: 10/10

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