Sunday 22 May 2016

Clara Oswald and the School of Death Part 3

"We are your extinction. You cannot outrun us."

Writer: Robbie Morrison 
Format: Comic Strip
Released: 5th May 2016
Printed in: DWC: Tales from the TARDIS 06

Featuring: Twelfth Doctor, Clara


Chaos descends on the private Scottish school of Ravenscaur, as secrets sunk at the bottom of the bay are dragged into the light! As the Doctor investigates reports of a Tunguska-style event that shook the heavens decades previous, Clara unraveled an establishment conspiracy that cuts to the country's heart!


Clara Oswald and the School of Death continued in excellent fashion with this terrific third part! It's becoming quite a lengthy beginning to the second year of Twelfth Doctor comics but while the story quality is as high as this one is, I don't mind at all. I'm loving the fact that the Sea Devils are getting a feature length story in the modern era of Doctor Who and I think they're perhaps one of the most underrated enemies that have graced us with their presence. The Sea Devils is one of the most iconic stories to date and I loved the references to it in this story, but the artwork flashback to its events were simply stunning. It was a joy to behold and I must commend Rachael Stott on her outstanding work. My face just turned into an instant smile when I turned the page and saw that depiction of the Classic story. As you'll know, it was only just over a week ago that I read the novelisation of Warriors of the Deep in which the Sea Devils appear, not unlike as we saw them when the Third Doctor met them. The references in this story to the UNIT dating controversy was quite humorous and I also enjoyed the Doctor referencing his other encounters with their kind. The only other story that I have blogged to feature the Sea Devils is The Silurian Gift in which their appearance was an unexpected delight. I'm sure they've cropped up in other adventures I am yet to blog but I do like that the Doctor mentioned that he's met them more than once. I think I mentioned in my blogging of part two that I wasn't struck on the appearance and I must admit that sentiment remained until the Doctor distinguished that these Sea Devils were of a warrior class. I thought that was a good explanation and I am glad the significant change in appearance was addressed. I really enjoyed the newspaper flashback to the moment Ravenscaur became the peninsula that it was today and I also loved the humorous moment the Doctor showed up to save Clara, Jack and Lucy. My qualms about story placement in yesterday's blog of The Memory of Winter were not helped with events here as both the sonic screwdriver and sonic sunglasses played important roles in the story's events. I'm yet to rewatch Series 9 but I don't recall an episode in which they both featured. The cameo of UNIT with Kate and two Osgoods would obviously place it prior to Dark Water/Death in Heaven though. Again, it's not really important whilst the story is good. I'm really liking Clara taking control of things, as you would guess was the case from the story title, and I liked how her interactions with the Doctor was causing confusion for Jack and Lucy. I know this is only a comic strip, but somehow Jenna Coleman's immense beauty still seems to shine in this story which was really impressive. The aim of the Sea Devils to increase global warming and return the planet to its climate of long ago was brilliant I must say. Their method of using hybrids in high positions, thanks to the Ravenscaur education, was simply excellent. I really did think it was a fantastic plot point. The Doctor seemed to be getting ahead of himself in revealing the truth about the Sea Devils though as it just advanced their plans and, apparently, brought forward the extinction of the human race. A little bit of a mistake there, eh Doctor? Overall, an excellent continuation of the story and I'm now looking very forward to the fourth, and presumably final, part.

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