Wednesday 13 April 2016

The Twin Dilemma

"Our genius has been abused..."

Writer: Anthony Steven
Format: TV
Broadcast: 22nd-30th March 1984
Season: 21.06

Featuring: Sixth Doctor, Peri


The Doctor has regenerated and all is not well. Confused, angry and acting strangely, the new Doctor decides to become a hermit, so takes his concerned companion Peri to a desolate asteroid where he plans to live for several centuries.

The time travellers soon uncover a plot that threatens the entire galaxy. But why has an alien Gastropod kidnapped twins and will the Doctor recover in time to find out?


The Twin Dilemma is a bit of an odd one isn't it. It comes off the back of an outstandingly good story in The Caves of Androzani and it has the always difficult task of debuting a brand new Doctor. However on this occasion, Colin Baker debuted as the Sixth Doctor in the final story of the season rather than at the start of his own season which was and since has been the norm. It does seem a little strange in terms of scheduling looking back now but I can see why they did it. It would bring viewers and would give people the opportunity to see the brand new incarnation of the Doctor without having to wait months on end. It gives a taste of things to come and I commend the production team for going in this direction. There's no doubt that the story could have been better but in saying that, it's one I actually quietly enjoy despite the popular opinion that it's the worst Doctor Who story of all time. I think it's far from it and that distinction still absolutely remains with The Gunfighters in my opinion. I've blogged that once and watched it on two other occasions so it's safe to say it'll be some time before I rewatch that again and have any chance of my opinion changing. Colin Baker does an excellent job as the Sixth Doctor and certainly sets the tone for his era ahead. Even in light of the post-regenerative mad spells and self obsession, the basis for the softer side of this Doctor which we have mostly seen on audio could also be seen. But I like the idea of going in a new direction with the Doctor and it was immediately seen with his disregard to his previous incarnation's personality. He wasn't sweet. He had, at least in his opinion, improved. That's up for debate and if I was asked to pick my favourite out of the Fifth and Sixth Doctors I really would struggle for an answer. This is an important story for Peri as well and I think it's where the viewers would really have jumped on board with her as companion. She'd only had two previous stories since arriving in Planet of Fire but with the Doctor changing, she would become the character that the viewers are familiar with. She does a great job in standing up to the regenerated Doctor and makes no secret to the fact she disapproves of the change. Once she had changed costumes, I thought Nicola Bryant looked incredible but when speaking of costumes I must mention that of the Doctor's. That wacky coat of the Sixth Doctor's is often used as a reason for his unpopularity which I think is just ridiculous. Colin Baker is a great actor and I just don't think most fans liked such a striking change. It was a bold move and ultimately it probably didn't pay off, but it's one I am a big fan of. As for the story itself, I think it's a solid one and whilst it may not capture the feel of a season finale it is still full of action and conflict. Granted, the costumes probably weren't the best and Mestor being a giant slug might seem somewhat comedic, but it has a good premise and I like how the twins were focal to the plot. I have the Target novelisation of this story and although it'll probably be some time now before I read it, I do think I am going to really enjoy it. Azmael was an excellent character and exploring his past with the Doctor was brilliant. His plans with Mestor were somewhat questionable but I liked how he provided an on screen Time Lord death due to having no mote regenerations available. Romulus and Remus were good and I liked their opinions on affection towards their mother. I don't share them but it certainly had me thinking! Lang wasn't the greatest of characters but he did provide a good cliffhanger to part one. I wasn't overly keen on the two other cliffhangers. But they didn't take away from the story. It's one that divides opinion and while the odds are absolutely stacked against my feelings on the serial, I think it's fantastic. It's far from perfect, but I thoroughly enjoyed. Overall, a superb story, whether you like it or not.

Rating: 8/10 

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