Sunday 6 October 2024

The Snowmen

"Tomorrow the snow shall fall and so shall mankind."

Writer: Steven Moffat
Format: TV
Broadcast: 25 December 2012
Series: 2012 Christmas Special

Featuring: Eleventh Doctor, Clara, Vastra, Jenny, Strax


After losing Amy and Rory, the Doctor has retired to Victorian England, where Madama Vastra, Jenny and Strax assist him. The Doctor eventually meets Clara and takes a liking to the young barmaid who leads a double life as a governess. At the same time, a sinister plot is unfolding; snowmen at randomly appearing around London, growing in size and power. All they need to take over the world is some human DNA in ice crystal form, and the frozen body of a drowned governess can give them just that. 


The Snowmen was just stunning. This was one of the episodes I was most looking forward to rewatching way back when my partner and I started the modern era journey together for the first time, and after a long time coming of getting there this certainly didn't disappoint! I have long stated that this is my favourite of the Christmas Specials and after watching this evening, it's safe to say that this opinion has not altered. I really do think it is festive perfection. It does that whilst being a crucial story to the ongoing arc surrounding the Eleventh Doctor currently. He's still reeling from the events of The Angels Take Manhattan with the loss of Amy and Rory, and he's essentially now sulking in Victorian London. He doesn't want to get involved and he most certainly doesn't want a companion. Of course, we know that's not going to last and that's all down to Clara. Although we have seen Jenna Coleman in Asylum of the Daleks, this is essentially her debut as the companion and it's outrageously good. She captures the essence of a companion right from the off and it's clear that she has all the qualities and materials required. No wonder the Doctor knew! He didn't know why, he only knew who. I thought that was rather beautiful and seeing the shift in his expression from dismay and unhappiness to bright eyes and full of wonder as he wants to show Clara the universe is tremendous. I think it's excellent to include the Paternoster Gang once again and they provide great qualities. Jenny and Vastra get to shine when confronting Simeon in proclaiming themselves married, but the star of the show has to be Strax. I just love him. I do think the Doctor is a little harsh when it comes name calling and insults, but I can understand the frustration. He really would drive me up the wall! The memory worm sequence in particular is outstanding and the moment where he is under the cab and thinks he's been run over because he wasn't wearing the gauntlets was hilarious. Pure comedic brilliance. I just loved it. I thought the return of the Great Intelligence was rather subtle despite the director really focusing on those GI initials on the handout cards. That was really noticeable this time around. I love the snow dome appearance for the Great Intelligence and the link back to The Web of Fear with the 1967 London Underground as a strategic weakness map was delightful. So why does the Doctor not seem to remember them clearly? Surely events on the Underground along with those during The Abominable Snowmen would be ones to stick in the mind? That's always not sat right with me, but it doesn't take away from the episode's brilliance. I love the Great Intelligence as an enemy and having Simeon as the figurehead with an army of Snowmen is glorious. What perfect monsters for a festive story! They looked fantastic too with that evil toothy smile. Simeon just looks miserable throughout which is perfect as well, and even the iced governess looks impressive! Clara passing the one word test is excellent and having the Doctor look at his glasses which were Amy's is so touching. I like how the Great Intelligence tries to use the governess to find physical form, and the fake snow is a superb weapon. I like that things are left unfinished though, especially with what is to come, as the Intelligence lives on in bodiless form. The demise of Simeon is pretty brutal though! I think the reveal of the new TARDIS interior, which is one of my very favourites, is a beautiful moment and it's fun to see the Doctor showing off. Clara going up on the cloud was great, but the fall at the hands of the iced governess is extraordinary. The universe isn't fair and Clara dies which really sends the Doctor reeling. He is angered and she must survive, but doesn't. But that sets off a spark because he realises she is also soufflé girl from the Dalek asylum. A mystery at foot and he is right back into boyish grins. He knows Clara is out there and he's going to find her. Run you clever boy and remember, indeed. Overall, a sublime special!

Rating: 10/10

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