Wednesday 9 October 2024

Cold War

"It's a big green man from Mars."

Writer: Mark Gatiss
Format: TV
Broadcast: 13 April 2013
Series: 7.08

Featuring: Eleventh Doctor, Clara


The Doctor and Clara land on a submarine in 1983 as it spirals into the depths of the ocean with a loose alien creature on board. An Ice Warrior returns...


Cold War was a decent episode to continue our way through the modern era rewatch! Series 7 is in full flow by this point and Clara has reached a point as companion where she is very much established whilst still possessing that feeling of wonder and newness. It's a good place to be. I thought placing her on an underwater submarine amidst the Cold War was brave and her first experience was rather an eventful one as she got absolutely soaked. This wasn't something that wholly pleased my partner sitting alongside me as she quickly commented that Clara was the only female present and she was rather scantily clad in terms of her attire. Obviously, the intention was to be pleasing on the eye and they certainly didn't fail, but it's why I love watching alongside somebody as ignorantly that's something I hadn't noticed or considered before. She wasn't a fan of the episode at all and gave it a 3 as a rating which I think is pretty harsh! I don't think I've ever given a televised adventure a rating as low as that. I was so excited by the prospect of this episode when it was broadcast over eleven years ago now as I had been longing for the Ice Warriors to return. I absolutely love The Ice Warriors and The Seeds of Death is certainly one of my all time favourites. I think the redesign of the armour is impressive and has a good modern twist which makes the natives of Mars look pretty imposing. However, what I can't begin to understand is the intention of taking the creature within out of the casing? And it happens so quickly! For many viewers, this would be their first experience of the Ice Warriors so that wasn't a good move in my opinion. I can appreciate the idea of trying to do something new with them given their iconic status, but when bringing them back from the Classic era for the first time I think it works best to just keep them pure and traditional. That's my main negative about the episode and I'm not wholly fussed on the design of the creature within. It doesn't fit what I know of the Ice Warriors and looks a bit too cartoon and comical. Now, the imposing nature of Skaldak was tremendous and the Doctor's reaction to hearing his name and rank of Grand Marshall said everything we needed to know. This was an Ice Warrior to be feared, so when it was attacked the idiocy was something he couldn't believe. Provoking an Ice Warrior would not end well for humanity! The atmosphere of the submarine setting is great and I really like the call back with having Skaldak found in a block of ice. That's a nice subtle touch and nod to the past. The realisation for Clara of the TARDIS translation circuits kicking in is a fun moment, although it does make her seem a bit presumptuous when conversing in English during The Rings of Akahten. I thought Clara more than held her own and to the crew on the submarine they were quite impressed with her Russian! The Ice Warriors getting involved in something called the Cold War is a fun play on words and really fitting for their species. The Doctor getting to recall his past with them and how they went way back was lovely too. He almost looked pleased to see one! I'm sure that opinion soon altered. Clara conversing with the creature and realising it wasn't in its casing was good and the way she volunteered for the contact as she didn't smell of soldier was good fun. The reaction of the Doctor there was wonderful. Matt Smith is really shining at this point. Skaldak being taken by his own race as they had survived feels like something of a cop out for the finish, and I do think some more impact and danger could have occurred considering the setting. Somehow the stakes never quite felt believable or high enough, but the atmosphere mostly made up for that. Overall, a decent episode but not quite the fitting return for the Ice Warriors I was hoping for. I was hopeful my opinion might change after not watching for a long time, but alas I remain adamant the Ice Warriors should be contained to their armour. Still, a decent episode! 

Rating: 7/10

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