Thursday 5 September 2024

The Crucible of Souls

"He's too boring to be evil."

Writer: John Dorney
Format: Audio
Released: September 2016
Series: Doom Coalition 3.04

Featuring: Eighth Doctor, Liv, Helen, River


The date has been set.

The trap has been sprung. 

A life has been taken and a maniac is on the loose. 

With the TARDIS crew separated and in terrible trouble, will today be the day the bad guys win?



The Crucible of Souls was an excellent episode to conclude the third volume of Doom Coalition within the Eighth Doctor Adventures! This entire series has been consistently strong and this finale was no different, although it didn't feel like much of one. It felt like a new segment of the Doom Coalition series was starting and the previous episode of The Doomsday Chronometer had that finale feeling. That's not an issue at all and it's got me very excited for what's to come in the next and final boxset. There's so much going on now and it was fun to play with the idea of Liv and Helen mistaking the Nine for the Doctor. He was an enthralling character and I'm big fan of this incarnation of the Time Lord that seems to be more commonly referred to as the Eleven. Interfering with his own personal future was great stuff and he didn't seem the least bit bothered. He was incredibly rash which is rather delightful! His enthusiasm was infection and I really do think that John Heffernan has the ability to play the Doctor. He was that good. If I didn't know the truth, I could be fooled. It was a stellar performance. Of course, he was acting rather un-Doctor like with his feelings and actions towards Liv and Helen, but that was part of the charm. The way he broke the news that Liv was dead to Helen was incredible. He had no care for how she would take it and when the lie was almost being questioned he claimed she'd been shot in the head! I thought the turn of Padrac was terrific, if not a little unusual. I liked how Liv cottoned onto the fact too. That was really clever. It was also great that because he was working with the Eleven and the nature of this Time Lord in retaining his previous selves, that of course he would recognise the Nine and know he wasn't actually the Doctor. River helping the Eighth Doctor out with his disguise as the Clocksmith was good and I liked how he pondered on the fact that River might be wearing one too. If only he knew! It's a good tool though to respect continuity and I'm glad that we as the listener don't hear the disguise. Kingston and McGann are wonderful together. I like how her foreknowledge of the Doctor was utilised because the Doctor did wonder if a future self of his went psychotic but she confirmed that wasn't the case. Could the next one along not fit that criteria? I was impressed with how well the episode dealt with the growing volume of characters and with many cosplaying as others, there was easily the chance to get confused. No such problems here I'm delighted to say. I thought the information regarding the Crucible of Souls was fascinating and the idea of a group of rogue Time Lords trying to harness the life energy of the future and turn into regeneration power to become immortal was quite something! As plans go, that's rather audacious. The Doctor and River getting a glimpse at the death on show from the temporal refugees who didn't survive the trip was horrifying and really gave credence to just how evil the scheme was. I mean, the concept of the future itself being destroyed is hard to wrap your head around but I really enjoyed it. I like being confused when time comes into play. It's just so exciting! And who knows where things will go from here with the way the episode concluded. Padrac has literally sent the Doctor, Helen and Liv into a future that doesn't exist. A complete nothingness. That really is quite the cliffhanger to set up a final boxset of what has been a superb series so far. Even though there are still four episodes to go, it really does appear that Padrac might have one as he boasted at the end. The Doctor was shocked enough by his betrayal, but it seems to be no facade. I'm excited to hear where things go next! Overall, an excellent episode to see out the boxset. I already can't wait for the next one!

Rating: 9/10

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