Sunday 8 September 2024

Forged in Fire: Lion Hearts

"You can take us, or you can leave us."

Writer: Lou Morgan
Format: Audio
Released: June 2021
Series: The War Doctor Begins 1.02

Featuring: War Doctor


Seeking out Gallifrey's new warrior, Commodore Tamasan finds that the War Doctor has invited himself on a secret mission. The time-sensitive Tharils are in danger, and an old friend of the Doctor is trapped.

But Biroc knows better than to trust either side in this war.


Lion Hearts was another strong episode to serve as the middle story in the Forged in Fire opening series of The War Doctor Begins! After something of a reintroduction in the opener of Light the Flame, I thought this episode was perhaps a little guilty of not including the War Doctor enough! I love the idea of reuniting him with Botox and the Tharils are a great race to play into the Time War. They’re time sensitive capabilities are made good use of and I liked the eroding of Valetta as Biroc’s sister. He’s a memorable character from the impact made in Warriors’ Gate so to essentially get the female equivalent was most welcomed. I was quite touched by the love she had for her brother which was good to hear, and the reaction Biroc had when he was rescued was joyous. However, I enjoyed the devotion he showed to his kindred as well because he wouldn’t leave them. Abandoning them was completely out of the question and if they all weren’t being rescued alongside him then he wasn’t coming. You had to respect that. I liked the format of the story in jumping intermittently between Lorinus recalling events to Tamasan. She was there in person and led the Commodore to believe that the Doctor truly had changed just by retelling the events we were listening to. However, some of the details were somewhat omitted. Despite the circumstances and chronology of his recent regeneration, there’s still that kind soul at the heart. All of the Tharils were saved in the TARDIS but he wouldn’t have Tamasan know about that. He’d made it look like he had performed a mercy killing which would never have happened in his previous incarnation, but it wasn’t like that at all. I am intrigued to hear the direction moving forward for the Doctor given the change and it being early on for this warrior version, but for now it does seem old habits are hard to break. I think that’s terrific and it only makes sense that it would not be immediate for the Doctor to become warlike. Just what the War Council’s plans for the Doctor though are as of yet unseen. I can’t wait for them though! Jonathon Carley was outstanding again as the War Doctor and I am stunned by just how authentic he sounds. I honestly can’t tell the difference which is about as big of a compliment as I can give. The Voltarans being in league with the Daleks was good and it helped to mention the latter without the need for them to feature. I get a feeling it might be a big moment when (hopefully) we get the first depiction of this incarnation encountering his old enemies. Their presence is still felt though and that’s what you want within the Time War setting. The emotion behind the Tharils is strong and that’s something that seems to follow them throughout their appearances. They’re a complicated race and their sheer makeup and nature contributes towards that massively. Thankfully they wouldn’t need the mercy that Tamasan believes was granted them, as the Doctor got them out just in time. I like that. Overall, a strong continuation of a fascinating series! 

Rating: 8/10

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