Saturday 31 August 2024

The War Master Part 2

"Some secrets are just dying to be told."

Writer: James Goss
Format: Audio
Released: August 2024
Series: Dark Gallifrey 2.02

Featuring: War Master, Benny, Captain John


Amid the dreaming spires of Braxiatel University, Benny is dividing her time between her lectures, her cats, and managing the romantic advances of one of her students, John. 

The new Provost – such a nice old man – doesn't approve of their dalliance, and advises her not to get involved. For John wants to know about Dark Gallifrey, which is something Benny has done her best to forget, and thinks he can help her find it again. 

The funny thing is, the dear old Provost wants to find it first...


The War Master continued in brilliant fashion with this second part within the Dark Gallifrey series! I’m still totally against the idea of naming each three-part instalment after the Time Lord that it focuses upon, but other than there isn’t a lot to complain about! I thought this followed up the first party very nicely and it was good to get that recap, especially with the recent issues with the Big Finish website and app delaying the release. It’s quite incredible really given the lore and almost mythical status of Dark Gallifrey that Benny actually did find a way there. She had left that behind now and it was clear that there had been a considerable amount of time passed since she found the way to the version of the planet in the story’s first part. Benny definitely did sound more mature in this episode which was really good. I loved that the episode was just a three-hander between a trio of characters I never thought would come together! The dynamic in particular between Benny and John was just gorgeous. There was instant chemistry and I liked that there was appeal on both sides. Even when the inevitable true intentions of Captain John were revealed, Benny knew that it couldn’t all be an act. He definitely took something of a shine towards her and that was clear when the Master was in the middle of killing her by preventing her from breathing. He was literally drawing the breath out of her, but John put a stop to it. I thought that was touching. Benny falling for the disguise of the War Master in the form of the provost was good and I liked the whole university setting. John was obviously not a student but his fascination in Benny’s lectures was soon explained once he question her on Dark Gallifrey. Having crossover from the world of Torchwood to something as important and the standing of Dark Gallifrey is fascinating. I’m a big fan of it and I like how it makes sense. John is a time agent from the fifty-first century after all so it’s more than feasible that he knows about the Time Lords. He would surely know about the Time War as well, so for the Master to be in the incarnation where he was within a temporal conflict as mentioned was good fun. The potential of Dark Gallifrey speaks for itself. I thought it was good how the Master and John came together and I was impressed with how much the latter was presented as being on the same level as the Time Lord. Both were out to kill the other, but preparations had been had which meant that wouldn’t happen. It was still a really fun enemy pairing though and the chemistry between all parties in the story made it a breeze to listen to. This was a lot of basically dialogue but it was very much enthralling. I liked how Benny was pushed into actually revealing the location of Dark Gallifrey, and having her return there and encounter the Imbomination again was terrific. It wasn’t even aware that Benny had departed and yet here she was again. Back to where it all started. And all she was really concerned about was her cats! As a two-cat owner, I could appreciate the need for a cat sitter. It was good humour though! I did like how when things were heading south for Benny, the Unbound Doctor returned for a surprise cameo to rescue Benny at the last minute. I really enjoyed that as it was promised in the last episode, and importantly included in the recap, that this was the plan. And it was very much last minute! I’m so happy that the first part wasn’t the end for the Unbound Doctor and David Warner as there definitely feels like unfinished business, and this was a nice way to continue things. Overall, a really intriguing story that had so much going for it with three very strong and unique characters. I loved it. And I can’t wait for the story’s finale! A great listen. 

Rating: 9/10

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