Wednesday 7 August 2024

The Eleven

"We need to get ahead of the game."

Writer: Matt Fitton
Format: Audio
Released: October 2015
Series: Doom Coalition 1.01

Featuring: Eighth Doctor, Liv


The Eleven. A Time Lord whose previous personalities live on in his mind: arguing, plotting, jostling for supremacy... He is also Gallifrey's most dangerous criminal. And he has escaped. 

The Doctor is recalled to his homeworld to lead the hunt. As they search the Capitol's corridors of power, the Academy halls and the cells of the highest security penitentiary, Liv realises the worst monsters may be among the Doctor's own people. 

For inside his fractured mind, the Eleven has a plan. And its deadly consequences will extend through space and time...


The Eleven was an excellent episode to kick off the Doom Coalition series of Eighth Doctor Adventures! I've been so excited to dive right into this series and given the success of Dark Eyes, I have full faith that this will be just as good. If this opener was anything to go by then we have so much to look forward to as this was a superb introduction to the titular character of the Eleven! This Time Lord has obviously now featured in numerous Big Finish stories and I've encountered him in a few, but this was a super introduction. I was a huge fan! I loved that we got a cameo of the Seventh Doctor to showcase that the Eleven has a history with the Doctor and it really sold just how difficult it was to get him trapped on Gallifrey. Of course, when we ventured forward in time to Kiani wanting to ask him a few questions as part of her thesis, there was only going to be one result. The means in which we got there though were very exciting and I loved that the Eleven's escape wasn't even visible! Except of course to Liv as a human. She wasn't exactly greeted with much love on Gallifrey given her species but the eye filter was only susceptible to Time Lords so she turned out to be pretty useful to have around after all! She was after somewhere tranquil but the planet of the Time Lords might be slightly too mundane, as she did agree by the end. I think the concept behind the Eleven of being a Time Lord with all of his past incarnations basically as one was sensational. It was on show in incredible fashion and I loved all of the different voices popping out, mostly when they were not wanted. The Eight as a completely different personality and perhaps a 'good' version of the Eleven was brilliant, but then we had such differing qualities from the One to the Ten. It was incredible stuff and the mental torment that the Eleven must have been enduring makes him a brilliant villain. He's unhinged and I think that's incredibly exciting. The fact he assumed the role of President in Romana's absence was exciting and it does make me laugh that for such a society as that of the Time Lords that their ancient laws can be taken advantage of to install a President the likes of the Eleven. We've seen it with the Doctor before in The Invasion of Time and now here with Romana gone in fine Gallifrey series continuity, a new one is installed rather quickly. I liked how he wasn't actually interested in politics though and actually wanted the capabilities of the Regeneration Codex. That was fascinating stuff and the way he brutally used it on Kiani showed just how deadly and evil this Time Lord could be. It was an incredible demonstration, just as she essentially begged to be companion when it seemed like he was going to kidnap Liv in her place. Except it all seemed to be planned out in superb style! The Eleven really did have it all in order and got the TARDIS he wanted to escape. He had the Presidential codes to bypass the transduction barrier and the way he mirrored the Doctor was excellent. I imagine he'll be feeling somewhat guilty by events! The way things ended with the Doctor owing it to the hat and umbrella incarnation of his past self was good and I love that there will now be a hunt for the Eleven. The Doctor declining the aid of Gallifrey and taking the manhunt upon himself and only needing Liv was lovely, and I can't wait to hear what havoc the Eleven now has set in his sights! A collective goal of escape amongst the incarnations within the Eleven was exciting in gaining escape, so now what? I can't wait to hear! Overall, a fantastic opener. 

Rating: 9/10

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