Friday 12 May 2023

Ruler of the Universe: The True Saviour of the Universe

"While the stars shine bright, so should we."

Writer: James Goss
Format: Audio
Released: September 2017
Series: New Adventures of Bernice Summerfield 4.04

Featuring: Unbound Doctor, Benny


Bernice finds that time has run out for the Doctor and the universe. Is this really the end of everything? Help is on hand from an unlikely quarter.


The True Saviour of the Universe was an excellent episode to conclude the Ruler of the Universe fourth series of the New Adventures of Bernice Summerfield! I thought this was a really strong conclusion to what has been a rather brilliant series. I have thoroughly enjoyed Benny’s two series in the Unbound Universe and whilst it appears now that we’re leaving it behind, her adventures alongside the Unbound Doctor don’t seem to be showing any sign of letting up and I think that’s very exciting. This felt like a fitting way to round out the last two series in bringing back Mother Superior and she was the one heading up the impeachment of the Doctor. That in of itself was a fine basis for a finale and whilst he didn’t seem overly bothered to be losing his presidential duties, he was deeply concerned by his replacement. I love how this episode concludes in giving the Master exactly what he has always wanted in ruling the universe. He was now positioned as its President and in a collapsing universe that meant he was in charge. This was something he didn’t actually want and whilst he was set on taking the role away from the Doctor, that didn’t necessarily mean it was meant for him! I thought that was a neat twist and drew parallels nicely from the version of the Master we already know. The throwback to Logopolis with the Master’s speech was sublime with him asking the peoples of the universe to attend carefully. I really loved that and thought it was neat as he really was addressing this entire universe! I think Mark Gatiss plays a fun and devious Master but it is a slight shame that we never got an explanation for how he survived execution the last time we saw him in The Emporium at the End. Benny even acknowledged it and I was a little let down that it was kind of just shunned off without any real answer. The Master was amusing though in not wanting to hold his previous execution against the universal Parliament. That was really good and the Master at his best. I enjoyed the idea of the Doctor being on trial and his plea regarding the fate of the Great Collapse and if he could prevent it was terrific. He knew that he could do it, but should he? That was presented very well and was an emotional and powerful moment from the Doctor. Could they save just a part of the universe? Did they have that right whilst condemning so many others to death? That was important to deal with and I thought it was done well. The selfishness of those that would be saved was palpable as they voted the Doctor out of his presidency. He could use the equations to enact the Apocalypse Clock but wasn’t willing to. The Master was though and his ulterior motive regarding freeing those who created the Apocalypse Clock was excellent. The potential of a Great Old One who existed outside of Time returning was brilliant, but the Doctor was always in control and that was superb. Once again, the Master was one upped by the Doctor just when he thought victory was at hand. Hell, it was proclaimed that the Master had defeated the Doctor and that was quite the sentence. It’s a long time coming! It was all a plan though and the killer robot asking what it would take to vote against the Doctor was good but it was all part of the plan to build up angst against the Doctor. The way he used the power build up of the Apocalypse Clock and use it to actually break through the Gateway and fulfil his promise to Benny and get her back to her home universe was sublime. That was such a nice ending and one I didn’t expect! But he found a way and that was fantastic. A really touching moment showing that he cared for Benny and fulfilled his word. And now it seems the Unbound Doctor will be sticking around in Benny’s universe! Well, the potential there is very exciting. I look forward to the next series very much! Overall, a fantastic finale. 

Rating: 9/10

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