Tuesday 30 May 2023

Paradise Found

"Kangs! Always getting into mischief."

Writer: Sean Mason
Format: Comic Strip
Released: October 2021-April 2023
Printed in: Paradise Found 1-4

Featuring: Kangs


Years have passed since Kroagnon, the great architect, returned to wipe out the inhabitants of Paradise Towers. The inhabitants now prosper under the leadership of the magnanimous reign of General Favalan and her soldiers. The residents want for nothing. They fear nothing. After all, in paradise, what is there to fear?

The residents have been told that Paradise Promises Possibility. For Viv-2, a young Kang with a restless heart, Paradise Towers offers everything but adventure. She yearns to find some trouble to get into, but maybe trouble is looking for her as well...


Paradise Found was a really strong comic story! I’m a huge fan of what Cutaway Comics are doing with a number of Doctor Who universe related licenses and I do hope they continue despite what appears to be a somewhat shaky schedule! For example, the first issue of this comic adventure came in September 2021 and the fourth and final issue was only delivered to me in April of this year! That’s a long time to wait for a full story so I’m very glad that I waited to read any of it until all parts had been delivered. I think it makes for smoother reading and with a story being released gradually over nearly two years, I’m definitely happy with my approach! Revisiting the world of Paradise Towers is a really strong idea and one that definitely held its own in comic strip format. It was a vibrant world and the Seventh Doctor tale really did make a big impact. The world building potential here is terrific and I thought it was utilised very well. Viv-2 was our main character as a Kang and just revisiting them as a group was tremendous. Whilst I’m not a massive fan of names such as Bin Liner or Can Opener, I think they’re a really intriguing bunch and the gradual way throughout the adventure that they take back Paradise Towers was very good. It was a good build and I thought the cliffhangers were a nice change of pace in not exactly presenting peril but more a question of what will happen next as we lead into the next issue. I don’t think that should be permanent for all stories, but it definitely worked here. Considering this is a comic strip, I have to commend the artwork for this story. I thought it was outstanding and definitely the best of the Cutaway Comics stories to date. It was tremendous. The world of the Paradise Towers offers some good potential for artists as it is so vibrant and full of colour, but even so I was massively impressed and I really appreciated what it added to the story. Whilst my focus in comic strips is on the words, the visual aspect is obviously so important and I really liked it. The revelation that apex had survived was very good and it was fun to explore this world after the Doctor had supposedly solved the problems and left it in a better place. It turned out Paradise Towers was not left as promised and Favalan was ensuring that it stayed that way. She was an evil woman in charge of keeping Paradise Towers perfect. I could understand her way of thinking in that what was the problem of everyone enjoying everything they could ever want? But Viv-2 thought that people deserved a choice and the truth. Not everyone agreed with that which was good and presented a good dynamic of conflict. The Inbetweens having gone off for war was good and I thought the little revamped design of the Cleaners was brilliant. They made such a big impact on screen the fist time around so I’m glad they appeared again here. It’s fun that the Doctor was only referred to as the traveller due to licensing restrictions and it’s fun that the Towers do return to the state that the Doctor expected them on his departure. That won’t interfere in any future appearances for the Towers which I like. The return of Kroagnon within Pex was brilliant and I liked the fear just the mentioning of his name provided. The way he was defeated was very good and the brutal way in which the inner conflict was ended with Viv-2 stabbing in the neck in the water was strong violence! I didn’t see that coming but it felt real and apt for this setting. Favalan was also killed brutally beforehand in the back. By the end, all was restored so I’m fascinated by the promise that the Kangs will return. I’m excited for it though! Overall, a really strong comic adventure in a terrific world!

Rating: 8/10

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