Thursday 3 November 2022

Planet of the Ood

"The Ood are happy to serve."

Writer: Keith Temple
Format: TV
Broadcast: 19 April 2008
Series: 4.03

Featuring: Tenth Doctor, Donna


Finding themselves on the Ood-Sphere planet in the forty-second century, the Doctor and Donna discover the truth about the Ood's willingness to serve humankind.


Planet of the Ood was a really good episode to continue our way through the Series 4 rewatch! It's always nice when we get a returning monster and whilst the Ood were from the enemies in their previous appearance in The Impossible Planet/The Satan Pit, their unfortunate ability to be controlled through their telepathic nature came into play once again here. I liked how the Doctor's last meeting with the Ood was referenced and the way he revealed to Donna that it was the Devil who had controlled them was marvellous. She wasn't buying that! I thought this was another stellar outing for Donna in the companion role and watching back all these years later, it's crazy to think she was this good in what was only her third episode as official companion. The humour that came from the arrival on the Ood-Sphere and how cold it was worked really well. It was so fun for Donna to shun the Doctor as he gave an emotive speech about the wonders of travelling the universe and where you could end up purely so she could get a coat. The relationship between the pair was excellent here and a lot of emotion came from them finding the Ood that had been shot after going red eye. I liked how the red eye of the Ood was played on in the episode and the fear that comes from the image of the Ood going that way is great stuff. The actual makeup of the Ood-Sphere was good and the way it was basically one big advertisement for the Ood as a slave didn't sit well with Donna. I loved the reference to The Sensorites with the Doctor mentioning previously coming to this solar system a long time, and the suggestion there of the Sensorities and the Ood being possibly related was lovely. I was glad to be able to explain the significance of that reference to Gemma as sprouting knowledge is what I love to do for those not aware of the Classic era happenings. Donna's glee at being in the year 4126 was wonderful and a really nice reminder of this being early days. By the end of the episode though she knew life with the Doctor wasn't all a song and dance, and she did want to pop home. The focus on the circle as far as the Ood were concerned was well done and the scene of multiple Ood rising and saying that all at once was memorable. Halpen's journey through the episode from a stressed businessman losing his hair to actually becoming Ood is something I still find a little odd, but the scene of his transformation and the reaction of Donna is glorious. Catherine Tate sells it tremendously. David Tennant does as well as that even shocked the Doctor. Some hair tonic! The Ood brain is a good element of the story as well and the scene of it consuming didn't quite live up to modern day special effects which was a shame and is slowly ruining my childhood! The ominous ending with Ood Sigma warning of the Doctor-Donna's song coming to an end soon was dark and it's quite incredible really that we get this so early on in the series. Regardless, it's strong for the arc of the Tenth Doctor's time conning to an end and a good episode as a whole!

Rating: 8/10

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