Sunday 27 November 2022

Other Worlds: The Rogue Planet

"My universe is in danger, and so is yours."

Writer: Emily Cook
Format: Audio
Released: October 2022
Series: Rose Tyler: The Dimension Cannon 2.03

Featuring: Rose, Jackie, Clive


Rose finds herself closer to home than ever – but she's in for a shock. 

Meanwhile, Jackie is a hit on daytime TV and Clive is a professor, but nobody seems to realise how much danger the world is in.


The Rogue Planet was a good story to conclude what has been a fun and enjoyable Other Worlds second series of Rose Tyler's The Dimension Canon! Whilst this was slightly the weakest of the episodes in the boxset, it has been a really fun exploration of Rose's efforts to find the Doctor across multiple dimensions and this was perhaps the most dangerous. The idea behind it was really good and it is just lovely to have Emily Cook writing an audio! She's a delightful figure in Doctor Who folklore after the Tweetalongs and everything she has done in Doctor Who Magazine, so having her write for Rose was a really nice thing to have. She did a more than solid job and it was fun for her to be able to pay homage to the modern era. Having Jackie as a famous TV presenter on the Prime Time show was magnificent and in this universe I bet she was having a whale of a time! The idea of Jackie being a celebrity was very amusing and a role she would have revelled in. She was able to decline autographs and whilst there were clearly similarities with the Jackie we know, this dimension's version was very different indeed. It was a breath of fresh air to have an alternate version of Rose in the form of Rosie, but I have to say that without visual aid it got a little clunky to have two different versions of both Rose and Jackie. There was not a lot to differentiate between them which did get somewhat confusing, but it was nice to finally have Rose come up with another version of herself. That is, a human version! The namedrop of Adipose Industries was really nicely done and I do wonder what position this version of Earth will be in should the fat start to walk away! But there were more pressing issues at hand with the Prophecy at hand. Clive being a respected scientist was good fun and I enjoyed the paper on the Three Comets. Danger was coming, it was told, and that tied in nicely with the dire state of the multiverse as barriers between dimensions were breaking down. Rosie having a baby in this universe was really good and hearing Billie Piper as a mother in character was good. Her boy being called Jimmy was fun when the reveal of the father was told and Rose couldn't believe it! Good stuff. I thought it was great to have Donna name dropped as part of the prophecy and Rose's reaction to that was brilliant. She knew that would get her close to the Doctor. It was some blonde woman who had told of the dimensions breaking, and she called herself the Bad Wolf. Time was catching up with Rose as reality was falling apart, and the coming of the titular rogue planet was going to prove catastrophic. This world didn't have any time left as the prediction of a year left was completely wrong with Clive revealing that it was just hours. It was too late to save anybody on this Earth which was difficult for Rose to accept, especially with the connection she had with Rosie's baby, and the mind playing tricks happened to Jackie too as she offered to stay behind, much to Rose's chagrin! Jackie did get back, but in a strong cliffhanger Rose was left trapped behind all alone and the signal was gone to lead us into the next volume very nicely indeed! Overall, a good story. 

Rating: 7/10

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