Sunday 20 November 2022

Heritage: The Ghost Writers

"I did always want to meet a mermaid."

Writer: Roy Gill
Format: Audio
Released: October 2020
Series: Paternoster Gang 4.02

Featuring: Vastra, Jenny, Strax


While Jenny and Strax investigate sightings of fauns beneath streetlights and mermaids in bath-houses, Madame Vastra is invited into a different mystery.

The literary members of the Antediluvian Club have strict criteria for entry, and Miss Edith Renner needs Vastra to access their secrets.


The Ghost Writers was another excellent story to continue my way through the Heritage fourth and final volume! After four series of links and a semi story arc weaving its way through, I thought this had a real feel of leading towards an ultimate end. The story in of itself was excellent and tied into the overall arc nicely by the end, but the theme of literature and story writing was very well suited to the Victorian era and a perfect use of the Paternoster Gang. I thought Strax was on top form once again here and the comedy he provides never ceases to be tremendous. His comments about hair and how the Sontarans had long outgrown such rudimentary parts of their makeup were funny, but when Edith produced a pen she had concealed beneath her own hair Strax was keen to make note of the military use of concealment. It could prove very handy which was just incredible. The Sontaran mind working at its best. I liked how there was a dual threat going on with the mysteries at the AD Club concerning Vastra with Strax and Jenny then concerned with the strangeness of mermaid sightings. That was fun and the potential jealousy felt by Vastra when Jenny talked about how she'd always wanted to meet a mermaid was nicely done. Strax's comments about their loveable tiff were delightful and the idea of him giving them relationship advice was wonderful. Jenny didn't exactly welcome it! It was really nice though for Strax to mention how this was an incredibly rare instance of Jenny and Vastra having a potential tiff, and it would soon result in smooching. Strax was clearly not qualified, but his opinion on the matter was more than welcomed from this listener. I thought the use of ink was initially a little odd for it to have such prominence in the story, but it made more sense as the episode enrolled and we were introduced to the Sisterhood of Ikor. Maude being a member alongside Edith was great and I loved how the latter described everything and how they linked with the Tenebrae. I thought the efforts to de-code that were great and Vastra recognising the symbol on its cover as a warning was brilliant. She was deeply concerned and I'm enjoying the links back to her time and era. Given the cliffhanger and what came, I expect something drastic to return from the Dawn of Time. Vastra's introduction to the AD Club was a highlight as she calmly proclaimed herself as a lizard lady from such an age. The veil made sense now! Edith realising what Vastra was before she'd even seen her was really astute and well cut out. Jonas was a very good character and I liked his efforts to obtain more ink when the words seemed to dry up. The concept of the Tractate and the ink written within actually being a vessel for the last remnants of Ikor was fantastic. The actual description of the ink in a book telling a story and this situation being the opposite was brilliant as it seemed to argue against all logic! I loved the conclusion as Strax and Jenny were warned of others coming, whilst the Sisterhood of Ikor's Tenebrae was very much on its way to Earth. It was a really dramatic and well done cliffhanger to lead into what is hopefully a great finale! Overall, a really good listen. 

Rating: 9/10

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