Sunday 20 June 2021

The Perfect Prisoners – Part One

"Why waste anymore time on reality?"

Writer: John Dorney
Format: Audio
Released: February 2019
Series: FDA 8.07

Featuring: Fourth Doctor, Ann, K9


The Doctor, Ann and K9 are hot on the trail of the Syndicate, and straight into trouble. After contending with killer robots and dangerous aliens, the clues lead straight to a machine that can literally make your dreams come true. A device that in the wrong hands could lead to misery for billions. But who's the real villain here? And what exactly is their master plan?


The Perfect Prisoners started in very good fashion with this strong opener to the two-part (or is it four-part?) series finale! We've come a long way since the series began with a traditional story arc comprising the entire run, and it ended on a big cliffhanger here as the truth about Ann Kelso was revealed! Before we got there though, we started full of action in a sequence that took place mid-events as we joined proceedings. I'm not a massive fan of that approach, as in this case I'd liked to have known more about the spores the Doctor was trying to prevent being launched and his race to ensure the rocket self destructed. It was exciting though, but that just made me want to know the full story. I liked how there was no messing around in establishing links to the Syndicate and the robotic elements of the group were fun to explore here. Ann being referred to as a time agent was intriguing and her murdering of one mid-dream was an unexpected turn of events! Continuing the theme from Fever Islands with dreams and fantasy was good continuity and I liked how real everything was seeming. The Doctor was able to shine when being confronted by the robots and his use of logic against them to prevent himself being destroyed after stopping was just magnificent. That really was a shining moment. Zaal made for a good head villain and almost leader of the Syndicate and I think it works well that he didn't have any past interaction with the Doctor. His realisation that someone was onto the Syndicate was very good and I loved how in their hunt the Doctor and Ann went to the Space Security Service for help. Well, it was either them or the Judoon! Colwyn was a good character in this role and Zaal actually being the SSS Director was a neat twist. Zephon being the link that led the Doctor and Ann to their current location was further good continuity and I liked how Ann was confident in being able to fly the TARDIS and get them to their intended destination for once. The Doctor shunning that to beginner's luck was great stuff. The reveal, although not a big shock, that the Syndicate was the Dalek Galactic Council from The Daleks' Master Plan was fantastic and I think the idea of bringing them back without the Daleks is excellent. Nothing was off limits though and Zaal made a brutal example of Gearar which showed that he was very much in charge. The dream machine was a terrific concept and its ability to retouch reality and change the perception of it was incredible. The possibilities were endless! Drarn made for a good host and I liked how she shifted personalities when the Doctor didn't succumb to the dream machine first time around. His pondering on whether his perception had already been altered was a fun concept though! The Sentreal finding Ann provided a good threat and I loved how she showcased her talents and briefing notes to use the light against him to defeat him in quick style. Zaal cutting Trantis loose after the Doctor's interference was great and I liked the Doctor's reaction to finding out the truth about the Syndicate. However, that paled in comparison to his reaction when he found out the truth about his companion! She knew the game was up after she was caught and I loved that the Doctor thought she was just being controlled, but actually there was nothing to give up. Ann Kelso was did. She didn't exist. Only Anya Kingdom remained! And that's an exciting prospect given the Doctor's ties to that family. A sublime cliffhanger to set us up for the finale! 

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