Sunday 13 June 2021

End of Days

"People are dropping through time and they're going to bring every disease through your doors."

Writer: Chris Chibnall
Format: TV
Broadcast: 08 January 2007
Series: Torchwood 1.13

Featuring: Captain Jack, Gwen, Tosh, Owen, Ianto


A time rift has opened up and things from many times are being pulled through. As things really start to get out of control, Captain Jack realises that this could very well be the end of the world...


End of Days was a very good episode to conclude the first series of Torchwood! I've really enjoyed revisiting the spinoff show's debut run for the first time in around eight years and it's been nice to watch alongside Gemma for the first time she has seen Torchwood. Of course, it's not quite Doctor Who for her but I have loved every second. It's an impressive start and I like how everything culminates here. For me, the main talking point of the finale is not anything to do with Abaddon or Billis, it's all about the dissension amongst the ranks of the Torchwood team. Things have been building between Jack and his staff but they come to boil here following on from Captain Jack Harkness where Owen used the Rift Manipulator to bring Jack and Tosh back from the 1940s. Well, the ripples in time were being felt now in a very big way with Romans on the streets of Cardiff and plague victims filling up wards in Cardiff Hospital. Owen's reaction when he realised just what had arrived in the twenty-first century was superb and I think was actually his best episode of the entire series. He goes through so much! Not only does he have to reveal that the Black Death is back, but then he goes against Jack's orders and ends up getting fired. That was such a powerful statement and the standoffishness of Jack in not backing down despite the pleas of Gwen and Tosh was brilliant. His emotion conveyed when he realised this would mean he would get retconned was really well done. Diane being the calling card for Owen that pushed him over the edge to return to the Hub and open the Rift was not surprising, but it was lovely to see her again. We also saw that Lisa and Tosh's mum were encouraging them to reopen the Rift whilst Gwen showed Bilis a horrific image of the future depicting Rhys dead in their apartment. She moved quickly to get him secure at the Hub, but that just meant the location changed for Rhys's fate. The calmness of the stabbing really was chilling. Bilis is such a good character without doing an awful lot and I liked how he was merely a subject to Abaddon, the reveal of what was coming out of the darkness. The son of the Beast imprisoned beneath the Rift. The concept is sound but it's safe to say that the CGI doesn't age all that well! I love that just his shadow brings death, and it makes sense for Jack's all you can eat buffet to reverse on the creature and send him packing, but after a pretty big build I feel that he should have been around for more than a few minutes. Still, this was all about the Torchwood team and the moment where Owen shoots Jack is sublime. Ianto and Tosh are clearly stunned and wouldn't have gone that far, but he was sick of being doubted which I really liked. Jack's secret was up though as he came back to life and I enjoyed how that saw the Torchwood team turn back. They were out of their depth. That's a little surprising considering Jack's comments and how he essentially verbally destroyed each and every one of his team! The effect of Abaddon on Jack resulting in a lengthy death was good and I liked how Gwen was there with him all of the time having full confidence that he would come back. I just feel that there's a little bit of a loose end with how Rhys comes back and everything is fine simply by opening the Rift. How does that impact time? Whilst good, I just think that there's a little too much for us to come to the conclusion for a finale. Still, it was a great episode and a lovely lead in to Jack's return in Series 3 of Doctor Who. 

Rating: 8/10

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