Monday 7 June 2021

Greeks Bearing Gifts

"With this you can read people's minds."

Writer: Toby Whithouse
Format: TV
Broadcast: 26 November 2006
Series: Torchwood 1.07

Featuring: Captain Jack, Gwen, Tosh, Owen, Ianto


Toshiko is befriended by a mysterious and alluring woman who gifts her a pendant that gives the wearer the ability to read thoughts, but she soon learns that it is more a curse than a blessing...


Greeks Bearing Gifts was another excellent episode of Torchwood as I embark on a rewatch of the first series of the spinoff whilst introducing Gemma to the show for the first time. This was another intriguing one for her and it's still a little strange to think that this is set in the same universe as Doctor Who, but the adult themes really do provide a unique take and this was no different here. I liked how we started in 1812 for the first few minutes to give a sense of scale for Mary and all of her actions in the near two centuries since. Long overdue, this episode was firmly focused on Tosh and she really did shine alongside her new love interest. I couldn't help but feel a little sorry for Tosh on more than one occasion throughout the episode, but by the end it was clear that she was better placed in the team. The follow on from the shock ending of Countrycide with Owen and Gwen was very good and Tosh having the ability to read people's minds couldn't have come at a worse time for her in that regard. It has been hinted at on more than one occasion in the series so far that Tosh quite fancies Owen, and that was laid down without any doubts lingering here. The photo on her fridge and the fact she had kept a Christmas card from him long after the fact showed what she felt, but it was nice for Tosh to still get out there and open up with Mary about her job. That venting led to a one night stand (I guess!) and Mary not wanting to get in the way of Tosh's feelings was nice, but she was eager to let her know that she wasn't a rebound shag. That was nice of Tosh! Ianto still feeling pain stemming from the impact of Cyberwoman was good continuity and I liked how she didn't take up his offer of a coffee. Jack had a strong episode despite not featuring overly prominently and I really love how he could tell there was personality change in Tosh. He'd heard of how she prevented a murder in the day and her questioning about Greek mythology told him that something was up. I like that he took notice. The humour concerned with Owen's autopsy was very good and Gwen revealing in the fact that he had got it all wrong was excellent. It was nice to see her having fun and settled in the team now, even if what she's doing with Owen is wrong. Mary revealing her alien self was a good moment and it was clear that there was something more to her all along. Gemma commenting that the effects were like watching PlayStation 1 aggravated me, but her comment about what she didn't want to see regarding sexual activity between Tosh and Mary and a cutting instrument was hilarious. I thought that was so funny as that's not what I expected as we were eating our chilli! The ending of the episode is so sudden for Mary but it works so well as Jack reveals that there was more to her story and past. Everything tied back to her with a history of bodies where the heart had been wrenched out which I thought was superb and I really liked the scene in the Hub with all of the team coming together, only for Jack to return Mary's way home in the form of the transporter. The only catch was he had reprogrammed it with the destination being the centre of the sun. It was so emphatic and quick which made it work really well, and Jack had no remorse in killing her after all she had done through history. Overall, a fantastic episode! 

Rating: 9/10

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