Sunday 6 October 2019

The Master of Callous: Sins of the Father

"I structure my day around screaming."

Writer: Guy Adams
Format: Audio
Released: December 2018
Series: The War Master 2.04

Featuring: War Master


On the mining colony Callous, Elliot King struggles to meet the demands of its governor, Teremon. The odds are stacked against him, and his options are running low. The world that once promised dreams now offers only despair.

A wild Ood stalks the forests, carrying an antiquated phone. The caller promises much – he claims he can change the world – but he always speaks a devastating truth.

He is the Master and the Ood will obey him... but to what end?


Sins of the Father was a great conclusion to The Master of Callous! It wasn't quite all that I hoped for, but it was nice to finally see the Master at his best. I'm going to start talking of the ending and I was quite intrigued to find that war had not been finalised between the Time Lords and the Daleks so it seems that this whole adventure took place for the War Master before the actual genesis of the Time War. Although, where that truly starts is up for debate with the likes of Genesis of the Daleks and The Apocalypse Element all potential beginnings. Anyway, the Master had been acting under the instructions of the Time Lords to acquire some swenyo (again, still unsure on the spelling), but unlike the Doctor he wouldn't do so without a reward. This series tied in nicely to Only the Good and seems to be a slight prequel with the Master acquiring a chameleon arch in return for what he provided the Time Lords. The swenyo was used as a way of ensuring battleship ammunition hitting its target through a telepathic field which was good, and I was delighted to finally get some serious links with the Time War. It had been a long time coming! I really liked how unfazed he was by being subjected to Teremon's torture and actually quite enjoyed it. I loved the chills of him just laughing at being subjected to mega voltage levels of torture. He just didn't care and quite enjoyed it. Something this story made me realise was just how patient the Master is. It's quite incredible to think about really. He plays such a long game and he'd literally planned for years to get the swenyo by this way. He was clever, but he knew he wasn't quite perfect so he had a plan b. That involved the Ood and the moment they all came together and stated, in their incredible voice, that he was the Master and they obey him was sublime. It was probably my favourite moment of the entire series. It really was terrific. Cassandra went through a great deal in this story as she refused to give up the location of the swenyo to Teremon and so the Governor was taking no prisoners. She'd ordered the entire planet to be ridded of its population which was a big shock. I liked that in her madness, Cass saw her father and it was a shame that he hadn't physically come and seen her when he was alive. I liked that we got to hear a conversation between them though, even if he wasn't truly around. The locals of Callous going to hiding was quite surreal and reminded me of so much I've read during my studies of the Holocaust. It really did evoke that kind of feeling which was very impressive. Cats giving her people hope was nice though, and I liked that it was the Master who dealt with the Governor. The ease with which he assumed control was brilliant. I liked the tie in with The Persistence of Dreams with the chronology of the Master's conversation with Martine now known and he just didn't like Cassandra King, so refused to allow her to reunite with her wife. That's the Master I wanted. Overall, a strong conclusion to a series that ended on a high after a shaky start.

Rating: 8/10

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