Wednesday 16 October 2019

Mistress of Chaos Part 2

"I'm going to take away everything you've ever owned."

Writer: Scott Gray
Format: Comic Strip
Released: 17th October 2019
Printed in: DWM 544

Featuring: Thirteenth Doctor, Yaz, Ryan, Graham


The Thirteenth Doctor is on a mission of vengeance. She is bidding to clear her name after the slander spread by Berakka Dogbolter resulted in a man she was trying to save dying. The Doctor is being blamed for the chaos she stops, and she wants to put an end to that. The Doctor is going to be more ruthless than we've ever seen her before...


Mistress of Chaos continued in very decent fashion with a great second part of the comic strip story! But first, my attentions must turn to the latest edition of Doctor Who Magazine and amazingly it is celebrating forty years as a publication! That's quite the feat and even though I've only been collecting for around five or so years and am now a subscriber, I look forward to the celebrations with interviews from all three modern era show-runners bound to be fantastic reads. I always enjoy the passion that Russell T Davies has in particular so I look forward to that one. I have to say, I think the bonuses alongside this issue are pretty naff on a personal note as I have no interest in the index (why would anyone?) and I think I would rather wait for the Blu-Ray DVDs myself before watching any of the special features that were partially released with this issue. An extended edition of the Daft Dimension should be brilliant as that's just such a barmy feature and always funny. Of course, this issue is also celebrating the wonderful Terrance Dicks and I am really looking forward to reading the magazine's tribute to the historic writer. I have just started the Target Books special edition of DWM and his presence is already so prominent there so having other writers reminisce on their favourite Dicks' books will be terrific. I'm sure the magazine will give him a fitting finale. The feature of When Dez Met Jez looks good and whilst I'm unfamiliar with the first days of DWM, reading a discussion between those at the forefront of its creation should be excellent. The Survey Team is possibly the feature I'm most looking forward to based on an initial flick through the pages as I do like the results of a good survey as I am always interested to read how my opinions differ to the general consensus amongst other fans. It's usually quite different indeed! I say that might be my most excited for feature, but then I just remembered that there's some new extracts from The Eight Doctors! That is a sublime novel so I am very intrigued to see how things might have been different to kick off the EDA books. Anyway, onto the comic strip now and I liked how ruthless the Doctor was here after the events of part one. I think the plan of Dogbolter is excellent in spinning the truth and it can't really be denied that chaos follows the Doctor wherever she goes. The reference to The Warmonger again was very good and I liked how angry the Doctor visibly was for what Dogbolter had done. She was going to take away everything she owned and that meant starting with her precious robot servants. The Doctor wasn't messing around and that was clear in how worried her companions were. They of course disobeyed her instructions and didn't remain in the TARDIS as asked (when do they ever?) but I think that was needed. The links back to Herald of Madness with the Catastrophia and the mad emergence of Krizanthia was fantastic. I liked her immediately and the fact that she saw the Doctor as her Mistress was very unexpected but I was a big fan. This was obviously not what the Doctor would want and she had to be careful not to initiate any wrongs. She ended up being transported with Graham and their destination was the Catastrophia and nobody has ever come back alive. Overall, a terrific continuation of the story!

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