Saturday 20 July 2019

The Birthday Boy

"I love a party."

Writer: Matthew Dow Smith
Format: Comic Strip
Released: November 2013
Series: The Day of the Doctor DVD Special

Featuring: Eleventh Doctor, Clara


23 November. It's the Doctor's birthday and everybody is invited! Clara is hosting a get together and companions from all ages have accepted the invitation. Except, is there really a party at all? The Doctor doesn't do birthdays, does he?


The Birthday Boy, or 50th Anniversary DVD Special, as it is actually titled within the third volume of IDW's Eleventh Doctor Archive, was a very decent little story! I liked how it fitted in with the actual 50th anniversary celebrations some six years ago now and the theme of the Doctor's birthday being explored was really good. It was quite obvious from the get go that things weren't all as they seemed and there was some sort of dreamscape thing going on, but it took a while for things to actually be revealed as a dream. I loved the idea of the story and numerous past companions from all eras of the show was really a delight to see. However, despite the quality of the story, one thing that really hurt proceedings was the artwork. I don't mean to be too negative but it was rather awful. Not all of the companions were anywhere close to being recognisable which was a big shame but the intent was there so I can certainly appreciate that. Nyssa was only noticeable by her frizzy hair but the drawing of her facial features was quite horrendous! It was a big shame. Sarah Jane, even, was just not at all recognisable and I only knew for sure that it was her by her name getting mentioned. That shouldn't be the case in a format where art is so important and the fundamental basis! Some of the companion choices were nice with the likes of Katarina and Sara appearing for little cameos. I was pleasantly surprised by how few modern era companions appeared so the nostalgia was definitely fitting for a fiftieth anniversary celebration. The return of the Trylonians following on from Convention Special was decent and I liked that the Doctor was actually at the mercy of one of their brain drain machines. The opening page, or even prelude page, of the invite to the Doctor's party was good but I think the basics of her surname being wrong is rather bad. Surely that doesn't take much research? I'll let it slide though because I like the idea so much. The characterisation of the Eleventh Doctor was very good throughout and even though his memory was questioned, his quick change of mind in his opinion of offices was terrific. That was perfectly in line with Matt Smith's incarnation's personality. I liked it a lot. Once the Doctor managed to wake up, following on from some lovely panels with varying versions of the TARDIS console, things proceeded rather quickly and excitingly and I surprised myself in liking the unfinished ending. We pretty much knew how things were going to go but it was just a nice line with the Doctor and Clara on the up and fighting more monsters as their adventures continued. The Doctor overcoming the brain drain with the power of his past and some interesting lines repeated from all of his incarnations was good and I loved the artwork there. Quite a contrast! Overall, a very good little story with a fantastic idea but the artwork let it down in some parts but I've tried to ensure my rating wasn't too affected by that.

Rating: 8/10

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